The Real Reason Why Dick Cheney Wrote A Book
He didn't want to do this in his retirement.
Actually, I am looking forward to reading the book, once it hits the library.
Can Crybaby Harry Reid Be That Stupid?
One has to wonder if Crybaby Harry Reid has the intelligence to be a member of Congress, much leader of the Senate.
Today, in the Reno Gazette Herald, Crybaby Reid said this: He (Reid) also defended the health care law passed by Obama after chamber leaders expressed concern that the cost of the federal overhaul has kept businesses from hiring new employees. He compared the law’s mandate requiring people to have health insurance to state laws requiring auto insurance for drivers.
Ok, Crybaby Reid, once again: You don't have to drive. You don't need car insurance if you take the bus to work or if you walk or ride a bike. Not everyone in the United States needs auto insurance. Auto insurance is not mandatory if you don't drive.
Further, you can choose what you want for auto insurance. You can insure your car or not. You can set your deductible. The government does not go in and order auto insurers to cover different things, like mandatory oil changes, mandatory tune ups etc, like they do for health insurance.
So, seriously, is Crybaby Reid that stupid or is he playing us like fools and thinks we will buy his bogus argument? Either way, it really is sad and pathetic that Crybaby Reid has sunk to this level of dishonesty or stupidity.
Today, in the Reno Gazette Herald, Crybaby Reid said this: He (Reid) also defended the health care law passed by Obama after chamber leaders expressed concern that the cost of the federal overhaul has kept businesses from hiring new employees. He compared the law’s mandate requiring people to have health insurance to state laws requiring auto insurance for drivers.
Ok, Crybaby Reid, once again: You don't have to drive. You don't need car insurance if you take the bus to work or if you walk or ride a bike. Not everyone in the United States needs auto insurance. Auto insurance is not mandatory if you don't drive.
Further, you can choose what you want for auto insurance. You can insure your car or not. You can set your deductible. The government does not go in and order auto insurers to cover different things, like mandatory oil changes, mandatory tune ups etc, like they do for health insurance.
So, seriously, is Crybaby Reid that stupid or is he playing us like fools and thinks we will buy his bogus argument? Either way, it really is sad and pathetic that Crybaby Reid has sunk to this level of dishonesty or stupidity.
The GOP Should Change Their Debate Time...
So they can rip Obama's supposed job plan in prime time.
President Obama decided to come before a joint session of Congress to talk about his job plan and just by coincidense, he has scheduled it at the same time as the GOP presidential contenders are supposed to have a debate.
From Fox News: A Reagan Library official, speaking to Fox News, says there is no official reaction yet from the organizers of the debate, but the event has been on the schedule for months. The Reagan Library is expected to issue a statement shortly. Politico, which is co-sponsoring the debate with NBC News, said the debate would not be postponed.
Republican Sen. Jim Inhofe didn't buy the White House explanation. "No, that's not just coincidental," the Oklahoma senator told Fox News Radio, suggesting mischief was afoot. "Why else would he choose 8 o'clock on Wednesday?"
However, by scheduling the speech on the same night, the president runs the risk of becoming even more of a punching bag should the debate sponsors push back the time. Republican candidates would have an immediate opportunity to rebut the president's speech on live TV.
"Potentially, it will backfire," said Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics. "Obama's elevated this debate to a face-off with him rather than a face-off with the Republican candidates."
Andrea Saul, spokeswoman for former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, said in a statement that viewers will have a choice between "Republican candidates talking about the future of America, or Barack Obama talking about the future of his presidency."
Read more:
Well, the GOP presidential candidates ought to move the debate to right after the GOP gives it response and the GOP presidential candidates will have a chance to analyze what Obama says and point out where Obama is wrong. If you want to energize the GOP base and capture independent votes, this is like debating Obama without Obama being present and unable to respond.
So, to the GOP, this presents a great opportunity to show how out of touch Obama by debating him and supposed jobs bill without Obama having the ability to respond.
Update: Obama has decided to change his speech date to Sept. 8th. Once again, the GOP screws things up. While Obama will look weak by bowing to the GOP, he now has the advantage of criticizing the GOP plans that are put forth in the debate and in Congress.
President Obama decided to come before a joint session of Congress to talk about his job plan and just by coincidense, he has scheduled it at the same time as the GOP presidential contenders are supposed to have a debate.
From Fox News: A Reagan Library official, speaking to Fox News, says there is no official reaction yet from the organizers of the debate, but the event has been on the schedule for months. The Reagan Library is expected to issue a statement shortly. Politico, which is co-sponsoring the debate with NBC News, said the debate would not be postponed.
Republican Sen. Jim Inhofe didn't buy the White House explanation. "No, that's not just coincidental," the Oklahoma senator told Fox News Radio, suggesting mischief was afoot. "Why else would he choose 8 o'clock on Wednesday?"
However, by scheduling the speech on the same night, the president runs the risk of becoming even more of a punching bag should the debate sponsors push back the time. Republican candidates would have an immediate opportunity to rebut the president's speech on live TV.
"Potentially, it will backfire," said Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics. "Obama's elevated this debate to a face-off with him rather than a face-off with the Republican candidates."
Andrea Saul, spokeswoman for former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, said in a statement that viewers will have a choice between "Republican candidates talking about the future of America, or Barack Obama talking about the future of his presidency."
Read more:
Well, the GOP presidential candidates ought to move the debate to right after the GOP gives it response and the GOP presidential candidates will have a chance to analyze what Obama says and point out where Obama is wrong. If you want to energize the GOP base and capture independent votes, this is like debating Obama without Obama being present and unable to respond.
So, to the GOP, this presents a great opportunity to show how out of touch Obama by debating him and supposed jobs bill without Obama having the ability to respond.
Update: Obama has decided to change his speech date to Sept. 8th. Once again, the GOP screws things up. While Obama will look weak by bowing to the GOP, he now has the advantage of criticizing the GOP plans that are put forth in the debate and in Congress.
State Of Nevada Wants To Steal Money From Casinos
Stealing is wrong and the State of Nevada is about to steal money from the casinos when a slot machine ticket is not cashed in, the State wants 75% of that money,
From the Las Vegas Sun: A proposed regulation to divert most of the money from unredeemed slot machine tickets to the state took another step forward Tuesday.
The state Gaming Control Board held a workshop on the preliminary regulation that could mean millions dollars more for the state treasury.
Board Chairman Mark Lipparelli said he was surprised no one showed up to testify about the proposal. The proposal drew spirited opposition from the Nevada Resort Association and other casino representatives during the last Legislature.
By one estimate, it could mean $43 million now being kept by the casinos would go to the state.
Slot players routinely put cash in machines and receive a printed ticket for their balance when finished playing. Mostly gone are the days when coins were used in the one-armed bandits.
Some customers, however, forget to cash in their tickets or don’t bother, especially if the balance is small.
If the voucher is not redeemed, the casino keeps the extra money and pays the state’s 6.75 percent tax on it.
Under the proposed regulation, the casinos would have to send 75 percent of the proceeds from uncashed tickets to the state. The clubs would keep the remaining 25 percent and pay taxes on it.
If a casino patron doesn't turn is a slot machine winning ticket, it is not the State of Nevada's property, it is the casino's. This is just plain theft by the State of Nevada.
Maybe if the State of Nevada had some skin in the game, like helping pay out winning tickets, maybe they might have a claim of tickets people don't cash. But the State doesn't have any skin in the game, but they want to steal money from the casinos by confiscating cash tickets that were not cashed in.
Brian Sandoval, governor of Nevada, stop this craziness and outright theft by the State of Nevada.
From the Las Vegas Sun: A proposed regulation to divert most of the money from unredeemed slot machine tickets to the state took another step forward Tuesday.
The state Gaming Control Board held a workshop on the preliminary regulation that could mean millions dollars more for the state treasury.
Board Chairman Mark Lipparelli said he was surprised no one showed up to testify about the proposal. The proposal drew spirited opposition from the Nevada Resort Association and other casino representatives during the last Legislature.
By one estimate, it could mean $43 million now being kept by the casinos would go to the state.
Slot players routinely put cash in machines and receive a printed ticket for their balance when finished playing. Mostly gone are the days when coins were used in the one-armed bandits.
Some customers, however, forget to cash in their tickets or don’t bother, especially if the balance is small.
If the voucher is not redeemed, the casino keeps the extra money and pays the state’s 6.75 percent tax on it.
Under the proposed regulation, the casinos would have to send 75 percent of the proceeds from uncashed tickets to the state. The clubs would keep the remaining 25 percent and pay taxes on it.
If a casino patron doesn't turn is a slot machine winning ticket, it is not the State of Nevada's property, it is the casino's. This is just plain theft by the State of Nevada.
Maybe if the State of Nevada had some skin in the game, like helping pay out winning tickets, maybe they might have a claim of tickets people don't cash. But the State doesn't have any skin in the game, but they want to steal money from the casinos by confiscating cash tickets that were not cashed in.
Brian Sandoval, governor of Nevada, stop this craziness and outright theft by the State of Nevada.
National Clean Air Summit Vegas: Watch Out For Fraudsters
Well, the Greenie fraudsters are in town, and just like that, the IQ average of Las Vegas just dropped 20 points.
Joe Biden is also in town, dropping the average IQ in Las Vegas another 10 points just by himself.
A bunch of greenie elitists are in town, delivered by jet planes and chauffeured around town in gas guzzling SUV's and limo's so they can preach to us at the National Clean Earth Summit. You know how stupid these idiots are- they come to Las Vegas during the hottest time of the year in Las Vegas. spending more energy on air conditioning.
And of course, these mental midgets, while wasting energy, call for us peons to save energy so they use the saved energy for themselves, right Al Gore, with your huge home and house boat that suck electricity.
And of course, our own senile senator, Crybaby Reid was at the event, announcing another non-event, a hybrid power plant in Lyon County, no where near Las Vegas, where we really need the jobs.
From the Las Vegas Sun: Sen. Harry Reid kicked off the fourth annual clean energy conference today by announcing the inauguration of the first-ever hybrid geothermal and solar plant, combining two of Nevada’s homegrown forms of renewable energy in a single power-generating project.
The plant, which will be situated at the existing Stillwater Geothermal Plant about 75 miles outside of Reno, will generate an additional 24 megawatts of power and create about 150 installation jobs, according to Enel Green Power North America President Francesco Venturini.
Enel Green Power, which is partnering with Nevada-based Bombard Renewable Energy to build the project, already runs the Stillwater geothermal facility.
Of course the reason why Harry is announcing this is because there is an election up by Reno and he wants to score points for Kate Marshall, a Crybaby Reid intellectual clone, meaning she has 5 brain cells. Crybaby Reid is also announcing this to help Shelly Berkley, who is running a losing Senate race against RINO Dean Heller.
Warning to those who will live close by this supposed hybrid plant- don't count on the plant being built. When Crybaby Harry was running for Senate, he promised many different green energy plants in the Las Vegas area and you know what, not one factory has been built or hired anyone. So, Crybaby Reid is attempting to buy votes in a conservative area of the State, but they won't be fooled because they will look at the ground and see nothing being built.
So, a bunch of greenies invade Las Vegas. They probably are poor tippers while sucking our energy for the evil coal power plants we have in the Valley.
Bunch of hypocrites here in Las Vegas, who suck government money and show nothing for it or worse. Some of them will knowingly steal taxpayer money through their lies, all in the hope they have suckers like President Obama, Crybaby Reid, Joe Biden and other lefty's who will throw money at them hoping they may create a job for themselves at a million a year at taxpayer expense.
And just wondering, how much tax money is being used to put on this fraud convention? They don't care, because its not their money, it's just taxpayer money.
Joe Biden is also in town, dropping the average IQ in Las Vegas another 10 points just by himself.
A bunch of greenie elitists are in town, delivered by jet planes and chauffeured around town in gas guzzling SUV's and limo's so they can preach to us at the National Clean Earth Summit. You know how stupid these idiots are- they come to Las Vegas during the hottest time of the year in Las Vegas. spending more energy on air conditioning.
And of course, these mental midgets, while wasting energy, call for us peons to save energy so they use the saved energy for themselves, right Al Gore, with your huge home and house boat that suck electricity.
And of course, our own senile senator, Crybaby Reid was at the event, announcing another non-event, a hybrid power plant in Lyon County, no where near Las Vegas, where we really need the jobs.
From the Las Vegas Sun: Sen. Harry Reid kicked off the fourth annual clean energy conference today by announcing the inauguration of the first-ever hybrid geothermal and solar plant, combining two of Nevada’s homegrown forms of renewable energy in a single power-generating project.
The plant, which will be situated at the existing Stillwater Geothermal Plant about 75 miles outside of Reno, will generate an additional 24 megawatts of power and create about 150 installation jobs, according to Enel Green Power North America President Francesco Venturini.
Enel Green Power, which is partnering with Nevada-based Bombard Renewable Energy to build the project, already runs the Stillwater geothermal facility.
Of course the reason why Harry is announcing this is because there is an election up by Reno and he wants to score points for Kate Marshall, a Crybaby Reid intellectual clone, meaning she has 5 brain cells. Crybaby Reid is also announcing this to help Shelly Berkley, who is running a losing Senate race against RINO Dean Heller.
Warning to those who will live close by this supposed hybrid plant- don't count on the plant being built. When Crybaby Harry was running for Senate, he promised many different green energy plants in the Las Vegas area and you know what, not one factory has been built or hired anyone. So, Crybaby Reid is attempting to buy votes in a conservative area of the State, but they won't be fooled because they will look at the ground and see nothing being built.
So, a bunch of greenies invade Las Vegas. They probably are poor tippers while sucking our energy for the evil coal power plants we have in the Valley.
Bunch of hypocrites here in Las Vegas, who suck government money and show nothing for it or worse. Some of them will knowingly steal taxpayer money through their lies, all in the hope they have suckers like President Obama, Crybaby Reid, Joe Biden and other lefty's who will throw money at them hoping they may create a job for themselves at a million a year at taxpayer expense.
And just wondering, how much tax money is being used to put on this fraud convention? They don't care, because its not their money, it's just taxpayer money.
First Snow Advisory Of This Summer
The first snow advisory of the season in the lower 48 is up in Montana, in Glacier National Park (A very beautiful park).
This is actually good news for Las Vegas. We get most of our drinking water from Lake Mead, who gets most of it's water from snow melt from the Rockies. If the Rockies get a lot of snow, like last year, we could see Lake Mead rise another 30-40 feet next year and be pretty close to normal. We may not need to spend billions on piping water from Northern Nevada or building a third intake pipe at the Lake.
Let the snow begin
This is actually good news for Las Vegas. We get most of our drinking water from Lake Mead, who gets most of it's water from snow melt from the Rockies. If the Rockies get a lot of snow, like last year, we could see Lake Mead rise another 30-40 feet next year and be pretty close to normal. We may not need to spend billions on piping water from Northern Nevada or building a third intake pipe at the Lake.
Let the snow begin
Lunacy At United States Olympic Committee
You would think that the United States Olympic Committee doesn't have a lot of things to do, except raise money and to bid on the Olympic games for the United States.
Well, they are failing in one area as they USOC is refusing to bid on the 2020 and the 2022 Olympic games.
From the LVRJ: The United States Olympic Committee, the group in charge of presenting national bids, said it isn't bidding for the 2020 games.
"We aren't bidding for the 2020 games, and the 2022 games are not on our radar as well," said Patrick Sandusky, spokesman for the USOC.
Sources familiar with the situation said Milam wrote to the IOC seeking an extension of a deadline to have national committee support for a bid, and the IOC almost immediately denied the request.
Milam did not return a call or email seeking comment.
Madrid, Tokyo, Rome, Istanbul and Doha, Qatar, have confirmed an intent to bid for the 2020 games.
Doha has filed an intent to host the games outside the normal August time frame so that the events wouldn't fall during its hottest summer months.
This means the U.S. will not have held the Summer Game's since 1996 in Atlanta. We have not held the Winter Games since 2002 since it was held in Salt Lake City.
So, why in the helll is the USOC not bidding on the 2020 and 2022 games? That's outrageous and stupid. You want to help turn around the economy, bid and win the Olympic games.
So, why is the USOC refusing to bid on Olympic Games?
From Google News: Locked in a dispute over millions of dollars, the U.S. Olympic Committee pulled the plug Monday on a bid for the 2020 Summer Games before the International Olympic Committee could say no to the Americans, as it has the last two times. The two sides have been at odds over a revenue-sharing agreement for years.
By not submitting a bid, the USOC assures at least a 20-year gap between Olympics on American soil for only the fourth time.
Chicago, New York and Dallas were among the cities interested in the 2020 games, but any bid was contingent upon a new deal with the IOC.
Recently, negotiations had picked up in an effort to meet a Sept. 1 deadline for countries to submit a city's name for consideration. But with so much money and a long-term commitment at stake, the USOC decided not to rush.
"I think it's one of the smartest things they could do right now," said Steve Penny, president of USA Gymnastics, one of the country's most important, and successful, Olympic sports. "It's very important they get this revenue-sharing deal done the right way. Having an Olympic bid hanging over your head is going to change the way you think about one of the most important business decisions you're going to make for the USOC in the foreseeable future."
At the heart of the disagreement is the USOC's long-standing 20 percent share of global sponsorship revenues and 12.75 percent cut of U.S. broadcast rights deals. The IOC wants more of that money.
Because of the revenue generated in the United States and the success of its teams, the Olympic movement needs the USOC more than any other national body. It's a delicate dance, however, because there are some in the IOC who resent the United States for the power it holds.
There won't be any deal soon. Publicly, at least, the IOC did not sound distressed.
Greed is the reason why the USOC is not doing their job. Great. Bunch of bozo's.
Well, they are failing in one area as they USOC is refusing to bid on the 2020 and the 2022 Olympic games.
From the LVRJ: The United States Olympic Committee, the group in charge of presenting national bids, said it isn't bidding for the 2020 games.
"We aren't bidding for the 2020 games, and the 2022 games are not on our radar as well," said Patrick Sandusky, spokesman for the USOC.
Sources familiar with the situation said Milam wrote to the IOC seeking an extension of a deadline to have national committee support for a bid, and the IOC almost immediately denied the request.
Milam did not return a call or email seeking comment.
Madrid, Tokyo, Rome, Istanbul and Doha, Qatar, have confirmed an intent to bid for the 2020 games.
Doha has filed an intent to host the games outside the normal August time frame so that the events wouldn't fall during its hottest summer months.
This means the U.S. will not have held the Summer Game's since 1996 in Atlanta. We have not held the Winter Games since 2002 since it was held in Salt Lake City.
So, why in the helll is the USOC not bidding on the 2020 and 2022 games? That's outrageous and stupid. You want to help turn around the economy, bid and win the Olympic games.
So, why is the USOC refusing to bid on Olympic Games?
From Google News: Locked in a dispute over millions of dollars, the U.S. Olympic Committee pulled the plug Monday on a bid for the 2020 Summer Games before the International Olympic Committee could say no to the Americans, as it has the last two times. The two sides have been at odds over a revenue-sharing agreement for years.
By not submitting a bid, the USOC assures at least a 20-year gap between Olympics on American soil for only the fourth time.
Chicago, New York and Dallas were among the cities interested in the 2020 games, but any bid was contingent upon a new deal with the IOC.
Recently, negotiations had picked up in an effort to meet a Sept. 1 deadline for countries to submit a city's name for consideration. But with so much money and a long-term commitment at stake, the USOC decided not to rush.
"I think it's one of the smartest things they could do right now," said Steve Penny, president of USA Gymnastics, one of the country's most important, and successful, Olympic sports. "It's very important they get this revenue-sharing deal done the right way. Having an Olympic bid hanging over your head is going to change the way you think about one of the most important business decisions you're going to make for the USOC in the foreseeable future."
At the heart of the disagreement is the USOC's long-standing 20 percent share of global sponsorship revenues and 12.75 percent cut of U.S. broadcast rights deals. The IOC wants more of that money.
Because of the revenue generated in the United States and the success of its teams, the Olympic movement needs the USOC more than any other national body. It's a delicate dance, however, because there are some in the IOC who resent the United States for the power it holds.
There won't be any deal soon. Publicly, at least, the IOC did not sound distressed.
Greed is the reason why the USOC is not doing their job. Great. Bunch of bozo's.
Pop A Ballon And Get Sued?
Once again, the liberals of Wisconsin show how pathetic and stupid they really are.
From the Wisconsin State Journal: A woman whose balloon was popped by a state worker last month during a noontime singalong at the state Capitol has sued the worker, claiming he violated her constitutional rights.
Leslie A. Peterson, of Madison, is seeking unspecified compensatory and punitive damages from Ronald J. Blair, an assistant director in the Division of State Facilities, who allegedly used a knife to pop a red heart-shaped balloon that Peterson was holding at the Capitol on July 25.
Blair, 56, has been charged with disorderly conduct while armed for the incident, which allegedly happened during the daily Solidarity Singalong, an ongoing protest of the state law that sharply curtailed collective bargaining rights for most public workers.
The lawsuit alleged that Blair violated Peterson's free speech and due process rights and subjected her to unreasonable search and seizure.
According to the lawsuit, after Blair popped the balloon, Peterson followed him, demanded to see his identification and told him she intended to file a report with Capitol Police.
Read more:
If this liberal thug cannot handle having a her balloon broken, then she needs to institutionalized at the Mendota Mental Health Institute in Madison.
What these idiots in the newspapers don't mention is that these liberal thugs bring the balloons into the Capitol and then let them loose, so they rise to the top of the Capitol. This is vandalism because it is not easy to remove the balloons from the ceiling.
While the State worker over reacted, he already has been charged with a crime. And now this liberal idiot wants to sue? Give the protester $1 for the stupid balloon and make her pay for the court costs and the state lawyer fees.
Idiot liberals in Wisconsin at it again.
From the Wisconsin State Journal: A woman whose balloon was popped by a state worker last month during a noontime singalong at the state Capitol has sued the worker, claiming he violated her constitutional rights.
Leslie A. Peterson, of Madison, is seeking unspecified compensatory and punitive damages from Ronald J. Blair, an assistant director in the Division of State Facilities, who allegedly used a knife to pop a red heart-shaped balloon that Peterson was holding at the Capitol on July 25.
Blair, 56, has been charged with disorderly conduct while armed for the incident, which allegedly happened during the daily Solidarity Singalong, an ongoing protest of the state law that sharply curtailed collective bargaining rights for most public workers.
The lawsuit alleged that Blair violated Peterson's free speech and due process rights and subjected her to unreasonable search and seizure.
According to the lawsuit, after Blair popped the balloon, Peterson followed him, demanded to see his identification and told him she intended to file a report with Capitol Police.
Read more:
If this liberal thug cannot handle having a her balloon broken, then she needs to institutionalized at the Mendota Mental Health Institute in Madison.
What these idiots in the newspapers don't mention is that these liberal thugs bring the balloons into the Capitol and then let them loose, so they rise to the top of the Capitol. This is vandalism because it is not easy to remove the balloons from the ceiling.
While the State worker over reacted, he already has been charged with a crime. And now this liberal idiot wants to sue? Give the protester $1 for the stupid balloon and make her pay for the court costs and the state lawyer fees.
Idiot liberals in Wisconsin at it again.
Busy Thursday For Wisconsin Sports
Thursday will be a busy day for Wisconsin sports junkies and those who follow the Packers, Badgers and Brewers.
This Thursday, you will have to pick and choose who to watch.
The University of Wisconsin Badgers will play UNLV in Madison at 7:00 CT and 5:00PT
The Green Bay Packers play the Kansas City Chiefs at Lambeau Field, Green Bay at 7:00 CT and 5:00 PT
The Milwaukee Brewers play the St. Louis Cardinals in Milwaukee at 5:10 CT and 3:10 PT
If you have tickets for all three games, which game would you go to?
For those of us in Las Vegas, the only games we probably can get on cable is the Badger game, though most casinos will have all three games on their TV's.
This Thursday, you will have to pick and choose who to watch.
The University of Wisconsin Badgers will play UNLV in Madison at 7:00 CT and 5:00PT
The Green Bay Packers play the Kansas City Chiefs at Lambeau Field, Green Bay at 7:00 CT and 5:00 PT
The Milwaukee Brewers play the St. Louis Cardinals in Milwaukee at 5:10 CT and 3:10 PT
If you have tickets for all three games, which game would you go to?
For those of us in Las Vegas, the only games we probably can get on cable is the Badger game, though most casinos will have all three games on their TV's.
Pawn Stars Review: August 29,2011
Welcome to another week of reruns of the Pawn Stars. I hope those on the East Coast are starting to get their electricity back and hopefully, the flood waters are going down.
Here, in Las Vegas, we have had our hottest week of the year. We have set a couple of records this week, and our highs have been up to 111F.
It was our first day of school for the 300,000 students in the Clark County School District, which means I have to go back to work.
The first episode of Pawn stars at 10:00 first aired on June 13, 2011:
The second episode was first aired on May 9, 2011:
Thanks for stopping by and have a nice week.
Here, in Las Vegas, we have had our hottest week of the year. We have set a couple of records this week, and our highs have been up to 111F.
It was our first day of school for the 300,000 students in the Clark County School District, which means I have to go back to work.
The first episode of Pawn stars at 10:00 first aired on June 13, 2011:
The second episode was first aired on May 9, 2011:
Thanks for stopping by and have a nice week.
Stupid Las Vegas Sun Ediorial #45621
Once again, the pot and crack smokers over at the Las Vegas Sun editorial board, led by Brian "The Coward" Greenspun come up with an believable editorial that is so intellectually stupid, it amazes me that these fools actually graduated from junior high school.
This time, the Sun advocates spending over $1000 to $3000 an airline ticket out of the Ely airport. Why you say? Because Ely accepts other government subsidies like roads and electricity, so they should then accept airline subsidies.
From the morons at the Sun: Before Congress went on its summer break, House Republican leaders took a shot at Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and a few other Democrats by cutting money for rural airline service in their states.
Republicans complained that the subsidies are wasteful, and some even talked about letting the market determine whether the airlines could survive.
That could spell trouble for Ely, where the airport and citizens have benefited from the government’s Essential Air Service program. The program subsidizes commercial service to some rural communities based on need, providing transportation links to major airports. As J. Patrick Coolican recently reported in the Las Vegas Sun, the subsidy for Ely was $3,700 per passenger last year. With higher passenger counts this year, it is now $1,197 per passenger.
Ely has qualified because the city is about 240 miles away from the closest major airport, and it doesn’t have bus or train service. Mayor Jon Hickman said the airport is “our only link to the outside world.”
There’s a debate to be had about whether the federal government should be subsidizing air service in rural areas, but the issue has put Ely in a quandary politically....
Philosophically, Ely should be against the subsidies. Like the rest of rural Nevada, Ely is strongly conservative and embraced the Tea Party and its anti-government rhetoric. In White Pine County, where signs saying “Anybody BUTT Harry Reid” have dotted the landscape, Tea Party favorite Sharron Angle defeated Reid by more than 40 percentage points in last year’s election.
However, the airline service helps Ely and the region, and it certainly provides a benefit to the local economy. Ironically, Ely will need Reid’s help if it wants to keep the subsidies.
As Coolican noted, the government has helped rural America in more ways than airline service. For example, federal support helps maintain those long ribbons of road that connect Ely and other rural towns.
Renewable power plants and a major power transmission line that will bring jobs to rural Nevada are moving ahead thanks to federal loan guarantees. And local governments get money from the federal government for property it owns, much like a property tax. As well, other government programs and services help rural areas, like Great Basin National Park, which brings tourists and money to White Pine County.
If conservatives in rural Nevada want to be consistent, they can support getting rid of the airline subsidy, and then perhaps they should advocate cutting all the other money that goes into rural Nevada.
First, the idiots at the Sun kind of forgot to mention that Crybaby Harry Reid killed a coal fired electric plant in Ely which cost over a thousand construction jobs and 200 permanent jobs, so Crybaby Harry has hurt the Ely economy more than other politician. Providing subsidies doesn't even come close to the destruction Crybaby Reid has caused Ely.
And electricity and roads are absolutely necessary to a city- airline travel is not. Of course, to the Sun, growing pot up in Mount Charleston would be considered essential for their pot smoking. (if they don't smoke pot,then they really, really are messed up)
If airline service was so vital to Ely and White Pine County, then why would they need a subsidy? The reality is that they average less than 1 rider a day, Ely to Las Vegas. Sometimes, there is no one on the flight and we taxpayers are paying for that.
And my guess is that if there was an election, most people up in Ely and the surrounding area, they would say to get rid of the subsidy. But right now, the Sun could only find 1 person who supports the subsidy- the mayor. Apparently, the pot smoking editorial board could not find a County Commissioner or city council person to support the subsidies.
But this is the same editorial board that hopes and prays that a hurricane would hit Florida and cause destruction and death so Florida would accept Federal aid.
Maybe the Sun is secretly praying that Ely will suffer a earthquake or massive fire that will kill, hurt and cause massive destruction just so Ely and the County will be forced to take federal aid, like these subsidies.
Oh, well, the editorial board will soon be back smoking their pot and crack and come up with another editorial that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
This time, the Sun advocates spending over $1000 to $3000 an airline ticket out of the Ely airport. Why you say? Because Ely accepts other government subsidies like roads and electricity, so they should then accept airline subsidies.
From the morons at the Sun: Before Congress went on its summer break, House Republican leaders took a shot at Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and a few other Democrats by cutting money for rural airline service in their states.
Republicans complained that the subsidies are wasteful, and some even talked about letting the market determine whether the airlines could survive.
That could spell trouble for Ely, where the airport and citizens have benefited from the government’s Essential Air Service program. The program subsidizes commercial service to some rural communities based on need, providing transportation links to major airports. As J. Patrick Coolican recently reported in the Las Vegas Sun, the subsidy for Ely was $3,700 per passenger last year. With higher passenger counts this year, it is now $1,197 per passenger.
Ely has qualified because the city is about 240 miles away from the closest major airport, and it doesn’t have bus or train service. Mayor Jon Hickman said the airport is “our only link to the outside world.”
There’s a debate to be had about whether the federal government should be subsidizing air service in rural areas, but the issue has put Ely in a quandary politically....
Philosophically, Ely should be against the subsidies. Like the rest of rural Nevada, Ely is strongly conservative and embraced the Tea Party and its anti-government rhetoric. In White Pine County, where signs saying “Anybody BUTT Harry Reid” have dotted the landscape, Tea Party favorite Sharron Angle defeated Reid by more than 40 percentage points in last year’s election.
However, the airline service helps Ely and the region, and it certainly provides a benefit to the local economy. Ironically, Ely will need Reid’s help if it wants to keep the subsidies.
As Coolican noted, the government has helped rural America in more ways than airline service. For example, federal support helps maintain those long ribbons of road that connect Ely and other rural towns.
Renewable power plants and a major power transmission line that will bring jobs to rural Nevada are moving ahead thanks to federal loan guarantees. And local governments get money from the federal government for property it owns, much like a property tax. As well, other government programs and services help rural areas, like Great Basin National Park, which brings tourists and money to White Pine County.
If conservatives in rural Nevada want to be consistent, they can support getting rid of the airline subsidy, and then perhaps they should advocate cutting all the other money that goes into rural Nevada.
First, the idiots at the Sun kind of forgot to mention that Crybaby Harry Reid killed a coal fired electric plant in Ely which cost over a thousand construction jobs and 200 permanent jobs, so Crybaby Harry has hurt the Ely economy more than other politician. Providing subsidies doesn't even come close to the destruction Crybaby Reid has caused Ely.
And electricity and roads are absolutely necessary to a city- airline travel is not. Of course, to the Sun, growing pot up in Mount Charleston would be considered essential for their pot smoking. (if they don't smoke pot,then they really, really are messed up)
If airline service was so vital to Ely and White Pine County, then why would they need a subsidy? The reality is that they average less than 1 rider a day, Ely to Las Vegas. Sometimes, there is no one on the flight and we taxpayers are paying for that.
And my guess is that if there was an election, most people up in Ely and the surrounding area, they would say to get rid of the subsidy. But right now, the Sun could only find 1 person who supports the subsidy- the mayor. Apparently, the pot smoking editorial board could not find a County Commissioner or city council person to support the subsidies.
But this is the same editorial board that hopes and prays that a hurricane would hit Florida and cause destruction and death so Florida would accept Federal aid.
Maybe the Sun is secretly praying that Ely will suffer a earthquake or massive fire that will kill, hurt and cause massive destruction just so Ely and the County will be forced to take federal aid, like these subsidies.
Oh, well, the editorial board will soon be back smoking their pot and crack and come up with another editorial that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
This Time, The Cow Won
I guess if you are a cow and if you can escape and hide for 100 days, your cow life will be spared.
From the Reno Gazette Herald: Thanks to J. for the latest update on Yvonne, the cow who was scheduled for death about 100 days ago at a German slaughterhouse after her milk production waned but instead escaped her fate. Hunters, search parties, helicopters with thermal imaging, a $10,000 euro reward, her sister, a handsome stud and an animal "psychic" all have failed to bring about her capture. Now if she's caught, she will be placed in an animal sanctuary.
NPR reports today that the local government has permanently forbade anyone from using deadly force to catch her, after a public outpouring of support for the cow. (It's strange how humans can root for her freedom while still eating hamburgers, as if they aren't made from cows with the same desire to live.)
Read the NPR story here. Read my original blog post here. And this is an excerpt from a recent Der Spiegel article on Yvonne:
A week ago, in the dead of night, one intrepid tracker crept into the woods to stalk her. She appeared out of the mist, and stared him straight in the eyes. She walked off before he could fire a dart at her. He reported that she now looks more like a buffalo than a cow, and has evidently turned into a wild animal in her months on the run.
First, what the hell is an "animal psychic"? Sounds like a mighty cha ching ripoff.
And it seems like Germany has some pretty bad hunters if a cow can escape? Shoot, cows are just little faster than a turtle and about as smart.
So, congratulations to Yvonne for outsmarting the Germans and getting your life spared and not becoming a hamburger, steak or a meat loaf.
From the Reno Gazette Herald: Thanks to J. for the latest update on Yvonne, the cow who was scheduled for death about 100 days ago at a German slaughterhouse after her milk production waned but instead escaped her fate. Hunters, search parties, helicopters with thermal imaging, a $10,000 euro reward, her sister, a handsome stud and an animal "psychic" all have failed to bring about her capture. Now if she's caught, she will be placed in an animal sanctuary.
NPR reports today that the local government has permanently forbade anyone from using deadly force to catch her, after a public outpouring of support for the cow. (It's strange how humans can root for her freedom while still eating hamburgers, as if they aren't made from cows with the same desire to live.)
Read the NPR story here. Read my original blog post here. And this is an excerpt from a recent Der Spiegel article on Yvonne:
A week ago, in the dead of night, one intrepid tracker crept into the woods to stalk her. She appeared out of the mist, and stared him straight in the eyes. She walked off before he could fire a dart at her. He reported that she now looks more like a buffalo than a cow, and has evidently turned into a wild animal in her months on the run.
First, what the hell is an "animal psychic"? Sounds like a mighty cha ching ripoff.
And it seems like Germany has some pretty bad hunters if a cow can escape? Shoot, cows are just little faster than a turtle and about as smart.
So, congratulations to Yvonne for outsmarting the Germans and getting your life spared and not becoming a hamburger, steak or a meat loaf.
Crybaby Harry Reid: I Am Such A Stupid Hypocrite
Once again, Harry proves he is a total embarassment to the people of Nevada. Harry wants us to drive this (from the Las Vegas Sun): I was really hoping Sen. Harry Reid would get in one of the electric cars on display and drive around today at Aria, which is hosting the fourth National Clean Energy Summit that gets under way Tuesday.
Just the idea of Reid driving anything is amusing — he probably hasn’t driven a car in decades.
Alas, there would be no Michael Dukakis moment. (If you’re too young or don’t remember, the image of little helmeted Dukakis riding in a tank didn’t bolster his presidential prospects in 1988....
Both Reid and John Podesta, former chief of staff to President Bill Clinton and head of the Center for American Progress, noted that our dependence on foreign oil is an economic drain and a threat to national security. Correct on both counts, as we import 70 percent of our oil, $1 billion per day, which accounts for half of our trade deficit.
With liberals on board with alternative energy and a move away from the internal combustion engine, conservatives are increasingly lining up against it, saying that it amounts to the dread “industrial policy,” meaning government picking winners and losers.
(Government picks winners all the time and has since the beginning of time; for instance, when it built the Interstate Highway System instead of, say, the Interstate Railway System, it picked the automakers and oil companies as the winners — big time.)
Read about President Barack Obama’s stealth industrial policy on next generation batteries in this New York Times Magazine piece that ran Sunday.
Reid was asked how massive spending cuts being considered by Congress would affect these clean energy efforts. He didn’t really answer. So I asked him again, and he didn’t answer again.
His spokesman told me afterward that Reid believes firmly that alternative energy offers Nevada some potential to diversify our economy, and that he’ll seek to protect funding for the programs.
In reality, this is what Harry Reid and his entourage drives: 3 SUV's. Sometimes 2 when he goes shopping. But they are gas guzzling SUV's.

Why would Harry Reid think we would forget about these pictures?
For more information:
Just the idea of Reid driving anything is amusing — he probably hasn’t driven a car in decades.
Alas, there would be no Michael Dukakis moment. (If you’re too young or don’t remember, the image of little helmeted Dukakis riding in a tank didn’t bolster his presidential prospects in 1988....
Both Reid and John Podesta, former chief of staff to President Bill Clinton and head of the Center for American Progress, noted that our dependence on foreign oil is an economic drain and a threat to national security. Correct on both counts, as we import 70 percent of our oil, $1 billion per day, which accounts for half of our trade deficit.
With liberals on board with alternative energy and a move away from the internal combustion engine, conservatives are increasingly lining up against it, saying that it amounts to the dread “industrial policy,” meaning government picking winners and losers.
(Government picks winners all the time and has since the beginning of time; for instance, when it built the Interstate Highway System instead of, say, the Interstate Railway System, it picked the automakers and oil companies as the winners — big time.)
Read about President Barack Obama’s stealth industrial policy on next generation batteries in this New York Times Magazine piece that ran Sunday.
Reid was asked how massive spending cuts being considered by Congress would affect these clean energy efforts. He didn’t really answer. So I asked him again, and he didn’t answer again.
His spokesman told me afterward that Reid believes firmly that alternative energy offers Nevada some potential to diversify our economy, and that he’ll seek to protect funding for the programs.
In reality, this is what Harry Reid and his entourage drives: 3 SUV's. Sometimes 2 when he goes shopping. But they are gas guzzling SUV's.

Why would Harry Reid think we would forget about these pictures?
For more information:
Terrorist Indy Driver from Switzerland Not Allowed In U.S.

Swiss Terrorist
From Fox Sports: IndyCar driver Simona de Silvestro has suffered the biggest setback of her crash-marred season after US customs officials denied her entry to the country, and forced her to return home to Switzerland.
De Silvestro has raced despite third-degree burns to her hands, back-injury and a sub-standard backup car in 2011, but it took a US customs official to finally make her miss a race.
Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar.
End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar.
The 'Swiss miss' was returning from a holiday in her home nation, when customs officials told her she would not be allowed to enter the United States.
HVM Racing immediately called on IndyCar super-sub and V8 Supercars Gold Coast 600 driver Simon Pagenaud to step into the car and race for de Silvestro, with Pagenaud himself having to sprint back from Spain to take part in the race.
Simona did not drive today at Somona, CA for today's race.
So, according to the Obama administration, let all the illegals come in and stay with little repercussions, unless you are a felon. Suck off the public trough using food stamps, rental assistance and free medical care in the country's ER's.
But let a successful female driver from that terrorist country of Switzerland and who pays U.S. taxes, nahh, we'll just harass her and make her go back to Switzerland. Never mind she already has driven in Indy car races in the U.S. several times this year.
Just wondering if Danica Patrick had something to do with this.
Think This would Help Government Worker Productivity?
From the Minot Daily News: A $16 million record profit at North Dakota's state Mill and Elevator also meant hefty bonus checks for its workers.
The state-owned flour mill has a profit-sharing program that kicks in if the mill meets specified goals for profits, productivity and worker safety.
Mill general manager Vance Taylor says $1.4 million in profit-sharing checks were handed out at a company picnic for the mill's 134 employees. The payments came after the mill's budget year ended July 31.
Taylor says the payments averaged $11,600 per employee. They equaled almost 22 percent of each worker's pay during the previous year.
Taylor says during the last decade, profit-sharing payments have averaged about 9 percent of a worker's wages.
Taylor says the profit-sharing program helps the mill's productivity.
There are two schools of thought: First thought, the profit is state money and it should be turned over to the State of North Dakota coffers.
On the other hand, they may not have had as much productivity if there was no profit sharing program and $1.4 million won't affect the budget that much, especially in North Dakota where they are rolling in the dough from the oil companies.
I think, if there can be an incentive for government employees to work harder and do more work, then I have no problem with employees get some extra money if they can make a profit for the State. (all bets are off if the state agency is a monopoly or overcharges)
But it is not for every department. Teachers, police, firefighters, DPW etc probably would not qualify for profit sharing and they have to realize this. But if there is a way make money for a government agency and for that agency to make a large enough profit for the state while not acting as a monopoly or overcharges, then let them pay some profit sharing pay.
The state-owned flour mill has a profit-sharing program that kicks in if the mill meets specified goals for profits, productivity and worker safety.
Mill general manager Vance Taylor says $1.4 million in profit-sharing checks were handed out at a company picnic for the mill's 134 employees. The payments came after the mill's budget year ended July 31.
Taylor says the payments averaged $11,600 per employee. They equaled almost 22 percent of each worker's pay during the previous year.
Taylor says during the last decade, profit-sharing payments have averaged about 9 percent of a worker's wages.
Taylor says the profit-sharing program helps the mill's productivity.
There are two schools of thought: First thought, the profit is state money and it should be turned over to the State of North Dakota coffers.
On the other hand, they may not have had as much productivity if there was no profit sharing program and $1.4 million won't affect the budget that much, especially in North Dakota where they are rolling in the dough from the oil companies.
I think, if there can be an incentive for government employees to work harder and do more work, then I have no problem with employees get some extra money if they can make a profit for the State. (all bets are off if the state agency is a monopoly or overcharges)
But it is not for every department. Teachers, police, firefighters, DPW etc probably would not qualify for profit sharing and they have to realize this. But if there is a way make money for a government agency and for that agency to make a large enough profit for the state while not acting as a monopoly or overcharges, then let them pay some profit sharing pay.
School Starts Tomorrow For CCSD
In what is promising to be a rocky school year for the Clark County School District (Las Vegas area) as school starts on Monday.
The first week will be disastrous for thousands of students because they do not have the proper immunizations or have not immunized before and these students will be sent home and not be allowed in school until their immunizations are up to date.
Then, the contracts with the teachers and support staff have not been signed. If there are no concessions, it is possible that by the middle of the school year, hundreds of workers maybe laid off.
Starting in the first week, the average class size in many classes, in high school will average over 40 students in the class and teachers will have around 250 students total in their classes. So much for individual attention. However, by the time November or December, classroom sizes will be half of that because of kids who move, drop out, change classes etc.
Then, by the end of the school year, more layoff notices will be sent out and the same thing will happen next school year.
Welcome to CCSD Superintendent Jones.
The first week will be disastrous for thousands of students because they do not have the proper immunizations or have not immunized before and these students will be sent home and not be allowed in school until their immunizations are up to date.
Then, the contracts with the teachers and support staff have not been signed. If there are no concessions, it is possible that by the middle of the school year, hundreds of workers maybe laid off.
Starting in the first week, the average class size in many classes, in high school will average over 40 students in the class and teachers will have around 250 students total in their classes. So much for individual attention. However, by the time November or December, classroom sizes will be half of that because of kids who move, drop out, change classes etc.
Then, by the end of the school year, more layoff notices will be sent out and the same thing will happen next school year.
Welcome to CCSD Superintendent Jones.
Watching President George Bush Interview On Nat. Geo Tonight Made Me Think...
That we had the perfect president for 9/11 in charge.
If you compare President Bush to the presidents since President Nixon until today, G.W. Bush was the right man for the job.
Of the GOP presidents, I don't think any of them, including President Reagan, would have done as good of job as Bush did. Reagan could talk well, but he had no legitimate military experience. G.W. Bush and his father had extensive military experience as pilots.
Nixon probably would have gone to war, but I'm not sure he would have the world support, especially with Watergate hanging over his head.
Ford's term was too short and he had a bad economy to deal with.
Bush Sr. probably would have gone to war, but he had to deal with a liberal Congress and he had to deal with the first Iraq War. Of course, it could be argued that if Bush ran the Iraq war better and got Bin Laden, there would be no 9/11.
For the Democrats, Jimmy Carter was a joke and we had a horrible economy and the Iran hostage crisis.
Bill Clinton probably would have thrown a few bombs in Afghanistan, but I just don't think he would have sent ground troops into Afghanistan, unless it helped him with his impeachment.
President Obama: He would have treated this as a crime and would have tried to arrest people instead of bombing and destroying Al-Quida and the Taliban. He may have ordered airplanes to bomb Afghanistan, but he would not have tried to overthrow the Taliban, unless there were rebels already on the ground and fighting. If Obama was president in 2001, we would still have the Taliban, Al-Quida and Saddam Hussein still in power today and we would still have terrorism throughout the world.
So, the United States got lucky by having George W. Bush in office during the 9/11 disaster. He stayed cool, calm and collected and he set out to destroy terrorism and for the most part he has succeeded and planted the seeds to keep terrorism at bay and on the run for President Obama and future presidents.
Now, of course, when it came to the economy, he pretty much sucked, but hey. at least he isn't as bad as Obama.
If you get a chance to watch the interviews, you should watch them, even if you don't Bush. It gives a perspective from the man in charge.
If you compare President Bush to the presidents since President Nixon until today, G.W. Bush was the right man for the job.
Of the GOP presidents, I don't think any of them, including President Reagan, would have done as good of job as Bush did. Reagan could talk well, but he had no legitimate military experience. G.W. Bush and his father had extensive military experience as pilots.
Nixon probably would have gone to war, but I'm not sure he would have the world support, especially with Watergate hanging over his head.
Ford's term was too short and he had a bad economy to deal with.
Bush Sr. probably would have gone to war, but he had to deal with a liberal Congress and he had to deal with the first Iraq War. Of course, it could be argued that if Bush ran the Iraq war better and got Bin Laden, there would be no 9/11.
For the Democrats, Jimmy Carter was a joke and we had a horrible economy and the Iran hostage crisis.
Bill Clinton probably would have thrown a few bombs in Afghanistan, but I just don't think he would have sent ground troops into Afghanistan, unless it helped him with his impeachment.
President Obama: He would have treated this as a crime and would have tried to arrest people instead of bombing and destroying Al-Quida and the Taliban. He may have ordered airplanes to bomb Afghanistan, but he would not have tried to overthrow the Taliban, unless there were rebels already on the ground and fighting. If Obama was president in 2001, we would still have the Taliban, Al-Quida and Saddam Hussein still in power today and we would still have terrorism throughout the world.
So, the United States got lucky by having George W. Bush in office during the 9/11 disaster. He stayed cool, calm and collected and he set out to destroy terrorism and for the most part he has succeeded and planted the seeds to keep terrorism at bay and on the run for President Obama and future presidents.
Now, of course, when it came to the economy, he pretty much sucked, but hey. at least he isn't as bad as Obama.
If you get a chance to watch the interviews, you should watch them, even if you don't Bush. It gives a perspective from the man in charge.
Are Politicians And Other Bureacrats Inflating Damage By Irene
Gov. Chris Christie says there are billions and billions of dollars in damage in New Jersey without even doing a full inspection. Same with other politicians up and down the Atlantic Coast. If you listen to these politicians, you would think just about every house was severely damaged, all the roads were washed out and parks and other government property in and around the coast were destroyed.
You think these politicians are over hyping the damage to get more Federal money?
Well, sure there was some damage on the coast, but it doesn't seem like it was any different than some of the Nor'easter that have the Atlantic region in the past few years.
Hurricane Irene certainly has not caused more deaths and damage than the tornado outbreak in the South this year.
Hurricane Irene did has not caused as much damage as the drought in the Texas/Oklahoma region.
Hurricane Irene did not do as much damage as the tornadoes in the Midwest this year, including St. Louis, Minnesota, Illinois and Wisconsin.
Hurricane Irene has not caused as much damage and long lasting damage as the wildfires in the West
Hurricane Irene will be cleaned up well before the damage of the floods of Minot, North Dakota and other areas around North Dakota and downstream.
21 people in the storms at last count which is about the same number of people who have been killed in the Lake Mead/Lake Havasu area/and or Yosemite Park in CA. so far this year or how many people are killed in a weekend in Juarez, Mexico. (Actually there are more people killed in Juarez)
This is how pathetic the news media is in trying to report the news: I was watching Fox News and the female reporter was standing by water which looked kind of deep- until an SUV drove by and showed that the water went up about 2 inches on the tires.
So much hype, so little legitimate news.
You think these politicians are over hyping the damage to get more Federal money?
Well, sure there was some damage on the coast, but it doesn't seem like it was any different than some of the Nor'easter that have the Atlantic region in the past few years.
Hurricane Irene certainly has not caused more deaths and damage than the tornado outbreak in the South this year.
Hurricane Irene did has not caused as much damage as the drought in the Texas/Oklahoma region.
Hurricane Irene did not do as much damage as the tornadoes in the Midwest this year, including St. Louis, Minnesota, Illinois and Wisconsin.
Hurricane Irene has not caused as much damage and long lasting damage as the wildfires in the West
Hurricane Irene will be cleaned up well before the damage of the floods of Minot, North Dakota and other areas around North Dakota and downstream.
21 people in the storms at last count which is about the same number of people who have been killed in the Lake Mead/Lake Havasu area/and or Yosemite Park in CA. so far this year or how many people are killed in a weekend in Juarez, Mexico. (Actually there are more people killed in Juarez)
This is how pathetic the news media is in trying to report the news: I was watching Fox News and the female reporter was standing by water which looked kind of deep- until an SUV drove by and showed that the water went up about 2 inches on the tires.
So much hype, so little legitimate news.
Holy T-Shirt Batman!
C at Sun Dried Sparrows was talking about t-shirts and commented on my first and much beloved t-shirt, i got during the Batman tv show craze. It was a white tee with the batman logo on it, wore it until i out grew it. I felt like Batman, i've never worn t-shirts since. I had a large head as a kid and my head would get stuck when pulling over a t-shirt, i got a real phobia about that.
This i think is pretty close to my old Tee.
This i think is pretty close to my old Tee.
Best News I've Heard All Week
Admiral Fluffy came home! Cal and the Admiral are reunited. I hate to say i thought the worst and my buddy Cal had lost his best furry amigo. Miracles do happen to good people and cats!
Golf's Embarrassment: Tiger Woods On President's Team
This past week, Tiger Woods was picked to play on the U.S. team for the President's Cup. the President's Cup is like the Ryder Cup, maybe a step down. The President's Cup is a golfing competition in which the best U.S. players play the est of the rest of the world.
Mind you, the key word is best players. Tiger Woods, right now, is playing no better than a weekend duffer. Well, not weekend duffers, becuse there certainly many weekend duffers who are playing better that Woods right now.
Further, Woods is not going to play any competive golf until December and that is not a sure thing.
and not everybody thinks Woods should be on America's best team. From ESPN: Dear Fred,
Congratulations on your recent win at the Senior Players Championship. It's great to see you playing through your pain and having success. I wish you all the best as you lead your Presidents Cup team to Australia in November.
I was wondering, though, if you could take some time to answer a few questions that I have about your decision to pick Tiger Woods with one of your two captain's picks. I get nepotism, cronyism and all the ways that we help out our friends and family. But what I don't get is why you would pick a guy who has been hurt for most of the year and who has played only eight PGA Tour events and had two top-10s.
Do you want the players to resent Tiger more than they already do? Golf is supposed to be the ultimate meritocracy. So what do you say to Mark Wilson and Keegan Bradley, who have both won twice this year, if you leave them off the team? One of those guys is not going to make the cut.
I know, I know. A captain can pick whomever he chooses. I remember when Lee Janzen was left off the 1995 Ryder Cup team by Lanny Wadkins, despite the fact that Janzen had won three times that year, including the Players Championship. I remember the time at the 2004 Ryder Cup at Oakland Hills outside Detroit when Hal Sutton thought it was a great idea to put Woods and Phil Mickelson out together as a team.
I get it but it doesn't make it right.
Your decision makes me think of the lines from that Janet Jackson hit -- "What Have You Done for Me Lately"....
Still, Tiger has to take some of the blame for your decision. He should have said he's not fit to play. He should have said there are more deserving players who rank ahead of him. He could have said, "Fred, I'm 28th and why should I take a place on the team? Let somebody else have a chance."
You might say athletes never back out of a challenge. Muhammad Ali fought way past his prime. Willie Mays should have quit a lot sooner. I know Kareem needed the money, but his skyhook was gone toward the end. Derek Jeter limps on because he helped the Yankees to a lot of World Series rings -- a decade ago.
But Lou Gehrig took himself out of the game when he knew something wasn't right with his body. That's what the great ones do. Tiger is no Lou Gehrig. He's just a selfish player who is getting something for doing nothing. I want him to explain that to the kids at his Tiger Woods Learning Center and the kids from The First Tee, an organization his fame helped to inspire.
Freddie, you'll do great as a captain and your team will be strong with Tiger and the 11 other guys. But it sends the wrong message to the game and to young people when you make a decision as important as this based on past achievements and the desires of corporate America. Past success gives status to players on the Champions Tour, but it has no place at the highest levels of the game.
Farrell Evans is correct, Woods is acting like a spoiled brat and by selecting Woods, Fred Couples is saying that it is ok to pick golfers whose careers maybe over.
Using Couples analogy, why doesn't Couple also name Jack Nicklaus or Arnold Palmer to the team. They were great golfers in their time, so why not put those guys on the team?
Woods ought to say to Fred Couples, "Thanks for the opportunity, but there are other guys playing better than me right now, so let them play". If Woods doesn't do that, then Tiger Woods just shows he is just another arrogant, elitist athlete.
Mind you, the key word is best players. Tiger Woods, right now, is playing no better than a weekend duffer. Well, not weekend duffers, becuse there certainly many weekend duffers who are playing better that Woods right now.
Further, Woods is not going to play any competive golf until December and that is not a sure thing.
and not everybody thinks Woods should be on America's best team. From ESPN: Dear Fred,
Congratulations on your recent win at the Senior Players Championship. It's great to see you playing through your pain and having success. I wish you all the best as you lead your Presidents Cup team to Australia in November.
I was wondering, though, if you could take some time to answer a few questions that I have about your decision to pick Tiger Woods with one of your two captain's picks. I get nepotism, cronyism and all the ways that we help out our friends and family. But what I don't get is why you would pick a guy who has been hurt for most of the year and who has played only eight PGA Tour events and had two top-10s.
Do you want the players to resent Tiger more than they already do? Golf is supposed to be the ultimate meritocracy. So what do you say to Mark Wilson and Keegan Bradley, who have both won twice this year, if you leave them off the team? One of those guys is not going to make the cut.
I know, I know. A captain can pick whomever he chooses. I remember when Lee Janzen was left off the 1995 Ryder Cup team by Lanny Wadkins, despite the fact that Janzen had won three times that year, including the Players Championship. I remember the time at the 2004 Ryder Cup at Oakland Hills outside Detroit when Hal Sutton thought it was a great idea to put Woods and Phil Mickelson out together as a team.
I get it but it doesn't make it right.
Your decision makes me think of the lines from that Janet Jackson hit -- "What Have You Done for Me Lately"....
Still, Tiger has to take some of the blame for your decision. He should have said he's not fit to play. He should have said there are more deserving players who rank ahead of him. He could have said, "Fred, I'm 28th and why should I take a place on the team? Let somebody else have a chance."
You might say athletes never back out of a challenge. Muhammad Ali fought way past his prime. Willie Mays should have quit a lot sooner. I know Kareem needed the money, but his skyhook was gone toward the end. Derek Jeter limps on because he helped the Yankees to a lot of World Series rings -- a decade ago.
But Lou Gehrig took himself out of the game when he knew something wasn't right with his body. That's what the great ones do. Tiger is no Lou Gehrig. He's just a selfish player who is getting something for doing nothing. I want him to explain that to the kids at his Tiger Woods Learning Center and the kids from The First Tee, an organization his fame helped to inspire.
Freddie, you'll do great as a captain and your team will be strong with Tiger and the 11 other guys. But it sends the wrong message to the game and to young people when you make a decision as important as this based on past achievements and the desires of corporate America. Past success gives status to players on the Champions Tour, but it has no place at the highest levels of the game.
Farrell Evans is correct, Woods is acting like a spoiled brat and by selecting Woods, Fred Couples is saying that it is ok to pick golfers whose careers maybe over.
Using Couples analogy, why doesn't Couple also name Jack Nicklaus or Arnold Palmer to the team. They were great golfers in their time, so why not put those guys on the team?
Woods ought to say to Fred Couples, "Thanks for the opportunity, but there are other guys playing better than me right now, so let them play". If Woods doesn't do that, then Tiger Woods just shows he is just another arrogant, elitist athlete.
World Coming To An End
If you watch the news today, you would think the world is coming to an end with Hurricane Irene hitting the East Coast of the U.S. .
But, unless you live within about 20 miles from the coast, life goes on as normal. If you live by the coast, you are going to get wet with some wind.
Nor'easter winter storms seem to a lot worse than this storm.
But poor President Obama, it is quite possible that Libya will fall and Qadaffi will be captured in the next two days but the main story will be the hurricane. Poor President Obama.
But, unless you live within about 20 miles from the coast, life goes on as normal. If you live by the coast, you are going to get wet with some wind.
Nor'easter winter storms seem to a lot worse than this storm.
But poor President Obama, it is quite possible that Libya will fall and Qadaffi will be captured in the next two days but the main story will be the hurricane. Poor President Obama.
Another Weekend and Another Boring NASCAR Race

Bristol Raceway, the fastest 1/2 mile track in the world. Side by side racing, or so goes the advertising for the Bristol 400, the NASCAR boring race of the week. Fans should sue for false advertising.
Other than a couple of love taps and a Mark Martin wreck, there was little side by side racing other than the restarts, little passing and few cautions. NASCAR was so desperate for a caution, they threw the yellow flag for page of a newspaper. And those running to get into the Chase, Tony Stewart and Clint Boyer raced like they didn't want to be there. Actually, raced is too strong of a term, how about pedaled instead of racing. And I like Stewart and Boyer.
For the record, Brad Keslowski won the race, showing that he should have broke his leg earlier. He has been driving great since he broke his leg, probably because he is concentrating more.
Matt Ward Of PVT Responds
Last Night, I wrote a post about bias in the Pahrump Valley Times and it's bias against conservatives. The post, for the most part is here:
Ahhh. The irony.
Darling of local wingnuts, Nye County’s top tax collector, Assessor Shirley Matson, has a long history of her own tax problems, mechanic’s liens and other issues surrounding paying her debts going back to 1991, according to public records obtained by a “concerned citizen” and given to the Pahrump Valley Times.
An independent database check of the records, which mainly reside in Matson’s former hometown in San Diego County, Calif., confirmed the information’s authenticity.
A recall effort is underway to remove Matson from office over blatantly racist emails she authored that surfaced in March.
Matson was reprimanded by county commissioners later that month for conduct unbecoming a public official.
So, what is the definition of a wing nut, Matt Ward?
Did Matt Ward do a poll to show that "wing nuts" support Matson? If so, i would like to see that poll.
Blatent racist e-mail? She asked the Sheriff of Nye County to see if any illegal immigrants were working on Nye County project. Is that racist?
Then you have a totally anonymous "source" who refuses to give his/her name but yet Ward interviews this person as the main source of his article.
Now it turns out that Matson is a certified tax scofflaw, another reason, detractors say, for voters to recall her.
Really, who certified her?
scoff·law (skflô, skôf-)
One who habitually violates the law or fails to answer court summonses
Matson has never been convicted of any criminal and there is no evidence that she has failed to answer any court summonses. Can you say a defamation lawsuit filed by Matson against Matt Ward and the PVT?
And Matt Ward was kind enough to respond:
Hi Dan.
Go look in a mirror and you'll find a wingnut. Pahrump abounds with others as you can tell by the other comments like yours on the PVT website...the ones that attack my writing style and word choice but say NOTHING about the facts presented. As for is against the law to not pay your income tax; many go to prison every year for violating income tax laws, not to mention state income tax laws. I'm not sure Ms. Matson's troubles ever reached that crescendo, but having liens placed on your personal property for thousands of dollars in missed income tax payments tells me that the feds were pretty serious about collecting their money from her.
I find it detestable that you attack me and my word choice and say nothing of a public official going on a radio show and telling the world that they are going to hire a private investigator to investigate people like me, or those folks pursuing Ms. Matson's recall. It's my right, and those doing the reacalling, under the First Amendment to the Constitution to report, speak out, write about, protest, do whatever we like to uncover info or react to misdeeds of a public official. Your comments on the PVT website suggest that you are all for public officials running amok in Nye County, threatening citizens, defacing public property and using racial profiling to further a right-wing, wingnut, extremist political agenda.
If that's the case, man up and say as much, make your points based on the facts, not your bullshit, penny-anny problems with my word choice. It's folks like you who have so muddied discourse in this country that NOTHING gets done anymore, including removing public officials who have violated the public trust. Good job, patriot.
Matt Ward.
First, thank you Mr. Ward for responding, I sincerely mean that.
When you write a news article, it is supposed to contain facts, not opinins.
From the Society of Professional:
Examine their own cultural values and avoid imposing those values on others.
Avoid stereotyping by race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, geography, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance or social status.
Distinguish between advocacy and news reporting. Analysis and commentary should be labeled and not misrepresent fact or context.
Just saying, Mr. Ward ought to examine this document.
In Mr. Ward's response, he never defined what is a wing nut is, other than to say I am one. Well, then, being a special education teacher, who works with some of the most severely disabled students in CCSD is a qualification to be a wing nut. I guess someone who has never been to a protest of any kind is a wing nut. I guess a wing nut is someone who votes the person instead of R or D is a wing nut. So, I guess anyone who has conservative views is a wing nut.
As far as addressing the facts of the story, Ok, she was late in paying taxes- that happens to a lot of people. but it is also true, she was never convicted of a crime nor was she ever taken to court- small claims or otherwise. So, your use of the word "scofflaw" is completely wrong and it can be construed to be as defamation. You don't like her, I get it, but you just can't go around defaming people.
I am not defending Ms. Matson. I don't know her and i probably would feel uncomfortable around he, but then, I don't know. I can only go by what has been written about her and since you and other writers at the PVT have an agenda, I am not sure what you write is accurate.
Again, if you want to write an editorial, Mr. Ward, great, write an editorial and label it as such. Otherwise, go back to journalism school and learn the difference between news reporting and editorial writing. Otherwise, keep your opinions out of your news writing.
Ahhh. The irony.
Darling of local wingnuts, Nye County’s top tax collector, Assessor Shirley Matson, has a long history of her own tax problems, mechanic’s liens and other issues surrounding paying her debts going back to 1991, according to public records obtained by a “concerned citizen” and given to the Pahrump Valley Times.
An independent database check of the records, which mainly reside in Matson’s former hometown in San Diego County, Calif., confirmed the information’s authenticity.
A recall effort is underway to remove Matson from office over blatantly racist emails she authored that surfaced in March.
Matson was reprimanded by county commissioners later that month for conduct unbecoming a public official.
So, what is the definition of a wing nut, Matt Ward?
Did Matt Ward do a poll to show that "wing nuts" support Matson? If so, i would like to see that poll.
Blatent racist e-mail? She asked the Sheriff of Nye County to see if any illegal immigrants were working on Nye County project. Is that racist?
Then you have a totally anonymous "source" who refuses to give his/her name but yet Ward interviews this person as the main source of his article.
Now it turns out that Matson is a certified tax scofflaw, another reason, detractors say, for voters to recall her.
Really, who certified her?
scoff·law (skflô, skôf-)
One who habitually violates the law or fails to answer court summonses
Matson has never been convicted of any criminal and there is no evidence that she has failed to answer any court summonses. Can you say a defamation lawsuit filed by Matson against Matt Ward and the PVT?
And Matt Ward was kind enough to respond:
Hi Dan.
Go look in a mirror and you'll find a wingnut. Pahrump abounds with others as you can tell by the other comments like yours on the PVT website...the ones that attack my writing style and word choice but say NOTHING about the facts presented. As for is against the law to not pay your income tax; many go to prison every year for violating income tax laws, not to mention state income tax laws. I'm not sure Ms. Matson's troubles ever reached that crescendo, but having liens placed on your personal property for thousands of dollars in missed income tax payments tells me that the feds were pretty serious about collecting their money from her.
I find it detestable that you attack me and my word choice and say nothing of a public official going on a radio show and telling the world that they are going to hire a private investigator to investigate people like me, or those folks pursuing Ms. Matson's recall. It's my right, and those doing the reacalling, under the First Amendment to the Constitution to report, speak out, write about, protest, do whatever we like to uncover info or react to misdeeds of a public official. Your comments on the PVT website suggest that you are all for public officials running amok in Nye County, threatening citizens, defacing public property and using racial profiling to further a right-wing, wingnut, extremist political agenda.
If that's the case, man up and say as much, make your points based on the facts, not your bullshit, penny-anny problems with my word choice. It's folks like you who have so muddied discourse in this country that NOTHING gets done anymore, including removing public officials who have violated the public trust. Good job, patriot.
Matt Ward.
First, thank you Mr. Ward for responding, I sincerely mean that.
When you write a news article, it is supposed to contain facts, not opinins.
From the Society of Professional:
Examine their own cultural values and avoid imposing those values on others.
Avoid stereotyping by race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, geography, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance or social status.
Distinguish between advocacy and news reporting. Analysis and commentary should be labeled and not misrepresent fact or context.
Just saying, Mr. Ward ought to examine this document.
In Mr. Ward's response, he never defined what is a wing nut is, other than to say I am one. Well, then, being a special education teacher, who works with some of the most severely disabled students in CCSD is a qualification to be a wing nut. I guess someone who has never been to a protest of any kind is a wing nut. I guess a wing nut is someone who votes the person instead of R or D is a wing nut. So, I guess anyone who has conservative views is a wing nut.
As far as addressing the facts of the story, Ok, she was late in paying taxes- that happens to a lot of people. but it is also true, she was never convicted of a crime nor was she ever taken to court- small claims or otherwise. So, your use of the word "scofflaw" is completely wrong and it can be construed to be as defamation. You don't like her, I get it, but you just can't go around defaming people.
I am not defending Ms. Matson. I don't know her and i probably would feel uncomfortable around he, but then, I don't know. I can only go by what has been written about her and since you and other writers at the PVT have an agenda, I am not sure what you write is accurate.
Again, if you want to write an editorial, Mr. Ward, great, write an editorial and label it as such. Otherwise, go back to journalism school and learn the difference between news reporting and editorial writing. Otherwise, keep your opinions out of your news writing.
Of All The Charlie Browns
I am Charlie Brown.
It's hard not to feel like him after the week i've been through, real life and online life.
It's a cold and lonely world at times and i don't even have a faithful dog to cheer me up or keep me company.
It's hard not to feel like him after the week i've been through, real life and online life.
It's a cold and lonely world at times and i don't even have a faithful dog to cheer me up or keep me company.
Spot The Bias
From The Pahrump Valley Times:
Lien times: Assessor had tax issues
Posted on26 August 2011.
By Matt Ward
Ahhh. The irony.
Darling of local wingnuts, Nye County’s top tax collector, Assessor Shirley Matson, has a long history of her own tax problems, mechanic’s liens and other issues surrounding paying her debts going back to 1991, according to public records obtained by a “concerned citizen” and given to the Pahrump Valley Times.
An independent database check of the records, which mainly reside in Matson’s former hometown in San Diego County, Calif., confirmed the information’s authenticity.
A recall effort is underway to remove Matson from office over blatantly racist emails she authored that surfaced in March.
Matson was reprimanded by county commissioners later that month for conduct unbecoming a public official.
So, what is the definition of a wing nut, Matt Ward?
Did Matt Ward do a poll to show that "wing nuts" support Matson? If so, i would like to see that poll.
Blatent racist e-mail? She asked the Sheriff of Nye County to see if any illegal immigrants were working on Nye County project. Is that racist?
Then you have a totally anonymous "source" who refuses to give his/her name but yet Ward interviews this person as the main source of his article.
Now it turns out that Matson is a certified tax scofflaw, another reason, detractors say, for voters to recall her.
Really, who certified her?
scoff·law (skflô, skôf-)
One who habitually violates the law or fails to answer court summonses
Matson has never been convicted of any criminal and there is no evidence that she has failed to answer any court summonses. Can you say a defamation lawsuit filed by Matson against Matt Ward and the PVT?
I realize that the Pahrump Vally Times is a liberal newspapers and the newspaper writers are probably bitter that they are stuck in Pahrump writing for the PVT instead of the NY Times.
But Matt Ward and the PVT should act like professionals instead of writing articles that are horribly and unprofessionally written and and with an obvious bias.
Finally, they need to get a dictionary so they know the meaning of words with 2 or more syllables.
Lien times: Assessor had tax issues
Posted on26 August 2011.
By Matt Ward
Ahhh. The irony.
Darling of local wingnuts, Nye County’s top tax collector, Assessor Shirley Matson, has a long history of her own tax problems, mechanic’s liens and other issues surrounding paying her debts going back to 1991, according to public records obtained by a “concerned citizen” and given to the Pahrump Valley Times.
An independent database check of the records, which mainly reside in Matson’s former hometown in San Diego County, Calif., confirmed the information’s authenticity.
A recall effort is underway to remove Matson from office over blatantly racist emails she authored that surfaced in March.
Matson was reprimanded by county commissioners later that month for conduct unbecoming a public official.
So, what is the definition of a wing nut, Matt Ward?
Did Matt Ward do a poll to show that "wing nuts" support Matson? If so, i would like to see that poll.
Blatent racist e-mail? She asked the Sheriff of Nye County to see if any illegal immigrants were working on Nye County project. Is that racist?
Then you have a totally anonymous "source" who refuses to give his/her name but yet Ward interviews this person as the main source of his article.
Now it turns out that Matson is a certified tax scofflaw, another reason, detractors say, for voters to recall her.
Really, who certified her?
scoff·law (skflô, skôf-)
One who habitually violates the law or fails to answer court summonses
Matson has never been convicted of any criminal and there is no evidence that she has failed to answer any court summonses. Can you say a defamation lawsuit filed by Matson against Matt Ward and the PVT?
I realize that the Pahrump Vally Times is a liberal newspapers and the newspaper writers are probably bitter that they are stuck in Pahrump writing for the PVT instead of the NY Times.
But Matt Ward and the PVT should act like professionals instead of writing articles that are horribly and unprofessionally written and and with an obvious bias.
Finally, they need to get a dictionary so they know the meaning of words with 2 or more syllables.
Sandoval Vs Obama: Vacation Time
The liberals in Nevada are making an issue about Gov. Brian Sandoval and his time out of State. He has spent about half of the summer out of Reno and State. So, let's see how Gov. Brian Sandoval has spent his summer and the cost involved:
From the Las Vegas Sun: Following a grueling legislative session, Gov. Brian Sandoval has spent almost half the summer out of state.
For 30 days in June, July and early August, the governor was outside the state — for family trips, to deliver political speeches and on state business, according to records obtained by the Las Vegas Sun through a public records request.
He spent five days traveling to visit troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait and four in Utah discussing economic development and water issues with that state’s governor; but he also took a three-day trip to address a Florida county Republican group and spent two days in Seattle to meet with executives of Amazon and Starbucks. The governor also traveled to Oregon, Sacramento and Boise for trips to see his son play baseball and basketball.
Sandoval said despite his absence he is hard at work on the problems facing the state. Much of that time — 12 days — was spent with his family.
“I went to see my son play ball,” Sandoval said Wednesday in his office. “I’m the governor, but I’m also a father and husband. It’s important I show support for (first lady) Kathleen and the kids.”
Sandoval paid for the personal trips and did not claim per diem for meals or expenses, according to his office. The Defense Department paid for his trip overseas, and the Florida county GOP group paid his airfare and hotel for that trip.
His travel cost taxpayers a total of $1,500, including:
• $322.83 total for three nights in Salt Lake City. His airfare was paid for by Southwest Airlines Rapid Rewards points.
• $246 total for three nights in the Seattle area. Airfare cost $352.
• $173 for a hotel in Virginia before his Mideast trip, and $406.40 from D.C. back to Reno.
Gov. Sandoval gets a total of $1500 from the taxpayers for 30 days or about $50 a day.
President Obama, on the other hand, has cost the taxpayers over $1500, probably per hour for each hour he has been on vacation.
There is definitely a difference between liberals and conservatives and the Dem's and the GOP.
Sandoval could have milked the taxpayers for more money, but he didn't. Obama could have saved the taxpayers money during his travels but he didn't.
Another reason why Obama will be a 1 term president.
From the Las Vegas Sun: Following a grueling legislative session, Gov. Brian Sandoval has spent almost half the summer out of state.
For 30 days in June, July and early August, the governor was outside the state — for family trips, to deliver political speeches and on state business, according to records obtained by the Las Vegas Sun through a public records request.
He spent five days traveling to visit troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait and four in Utah discussing economic development and water issues with that state’s governor; but he also took a three-day trip to address a Florida county Republican group and spent two days in Seattle to meet with executives of Amazon and Starbucks. The governor also traveled to Oregon, Sacramento and Boise for trips to see his son play baseball and basketball.
Sandoval said despite his absence he is hard at work on the problems facing the state. Much of that time — 12 days — was spent with his family.
“I went to see my son play ball,” Sandoval said Wednesday in his office. “I’m the governor, but I’m also a father and husband. It’s important I show support for (first lady) Kathleen and the kids.”
Sandoval paid for the personal trips and did not claim per diem for meals or expenses, according to his office. The Defense Department paid for his trip overseas, and the Florida county GOP group paid his airfare and hotel for that trip.
His travel cost taxpayers a total of $1,500, including:
• $322.83 total for three nights in Salt Lake City. His airfare was paid for by Southwest Airlines Rapid Rewards points.
• $246 total for three nights in the Seattle area. Airfare cost $352.
• $173 for a hotel in Virginia before his Mideast trip, and $406.40 from D.C. back to Reno.
Gov. Sandoval gets a total of $1500 from the taxpayers for 30 days or about $50 a day.
President Obama, on the other hand, has cost the taxpayers over $1500, probably per hour for each hour he has been on vacation.
There is definitely a difference between liberals and conservatives and the Dem's and the GOP.
Sandoval could have milked the taxpayers for more money, but he didn't. Obama could have saved the taxpayers money during his travels but he didn't.
Another reason why Obama will be a 1 term president.
Althouse's Take On the Wisconsin Supreme's Battle Royale
Ann Althouse, a blogger who is also a very interesting person as she is a staunch conservative teaching at the very liberal U.W. Madison School of Law, my alma mater. In cases like this, the battle of the Wisconsin Supreme Court, Althouse has been all over this case. When the story first broke, she said WI. Supreme Court Justice David Prosser should resign if he indeed did try and choke Supreme Court Injustice, liar and Bimbo, Ann Walsh Bradley. But Althouse had her doubts, later to be proven correct, that the story, first broke by a liberal media writer, was false.
Ann Althouse has read the police and Special Prosecutor report and in her brilliance, she pointed out several points that show that Injustice Bradley is a liar and should resign. That also goes for Chief Liberal Liar and Injustice of the WI. Supreme Court, Shirley Abrahamson.
From Althouse: I'm reading the police report of the interview with Justice Annette Ziegler, and I see something that was also in the Mark Bradley interview: Immediately after the incident, Justice Bradley sat down at her desk and started typing. Ziegler said she thought that was inconsistent with having been choked and also noted that Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson didn't say anything that you'd expect her to say if she'd just seen Bradley choked. Ziegler also commented on the general work environment at the court: She called it "weird." She said that both Prosser and Bradley tend to speak in a "theatrical" style, and that Bradley is "up and down emotionally" while Prosser is "calm."
UPDATE 3: In the police report of the interview with Tina Noldolf, the Supreme Court Marshal, who had interviewed Justice Bradley the morning after the incident, Noldolf says that Bradley said that Prosser's "yelling" at the Chief Justice "caused Justice Bradley to stand up and walk swiftly towards Justice Prosser." Bradley said she "got in his personal space" and ordered him out of her office, at which point he "grabbed her by the throat." Bradley said that Justice Roggensack "assisted in separating" the 2 Justices and told Bradley she wasn't "acting like yourself" and "You didn't have to rush at Dave." Noldolf also interviewed Abrahamson, who demonstrated Prosser's action with "both of her hands on my neck" and "thumbs in front of my neck and her fingers wrapped around the back of my neck so that her palms were in contact with my neck." Abrahamson "was clear that both of Justice Prosser's hands were around Justice Bradley's neck." Abrahamson indicated that Prosser was "more of the aggressor."
There's much more in Althouse's article but Althouse makes it quite clear that Bradley and Abrahamson are both unfit to serve on the WI. Supreme Court. They are both liars and have damaged the reputation of a Supreme Court justice, solely for politics.
Both Bradley and Abrahamson have put work place safety, a legitimate issue where people actually have been harmed, in less than serious light.
But because both of these wenches are liberals, they will get a pass from liberals because, well because they are liberals and facts be damned.
These two liberal hair brained bimbos put the issue of work place safety back 20 or more years in Wisconsin and that is a shame, shame, shame.
Ann Althouse has read the police and Special Prosecutor report and in her brilliance, she pointed out several points that show that Injustice Bradley is a liar and should resign. That also goes for Chief Liberal Liar and Injustice of the WI. Supreme Court, Shirley Abrahamson.
From Althouse: I'm reading the police report of the interview with Justice Annette Ziegler, and I see something that was also in the Mark Bradley interview: Immediately after the incident, Justice Bradley sat down at her desk and started typing. Ziegler said she thought that was inconsistent with having been choked and also noted that Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson didn't say anything that you'd expect her to say if she'd just seen Bradley choked. Ziegler also commented on the general work environment at the court: She called it "weird." She said that both Prosser and Bradley tend to speak in a "theatrical" style, and that Bradley is "up and down emotionally" while Prosser is "calm."
UPDATE 3: In the police report of the interview with Tina Noldolf, the Supreme Court Marshal, who had interviewed Justice Bradley the morning after the incident, Noldolf says that Bradley said that Prosser's "yelling" at the Chief Justice "caused Justice Bradley to stand up and walk swiftly towards Justice Prosser." Bradley said she "got in his personal space" and ordered him out of her office, at which point he "grabbed her by the throat." Bradley said that Justice Roggensack "assisted in separating" the 2 Justices and told Bradley she wasn't "acting like yourself" and "You didn't have to rush at Dave." Noldolf also interviewed Abrahamson, who demonstrated Prosser's action with "both of her hands on my neck" and "thumbs in front of my neck and her fingers wrapped around the back of my neck so that her palms were in contact with my neck." Abrahamson "was clear that both of Justice Prosser's hands were around Justice Bradley's neck." Abrahamson indicated that Prosser was "more of the aggressor."
There's much more in Althouse's article but Althouse makes it quite clear that Bradley and Abrahamson are both unfit to serve on the WI. Supreme Court. They are both liars and have damaged the reputation of a Supreme Court justice, solely for politics.
Both Bradley and Abrahamson have put work place safety, a legitimate issue where people actually have been harmed, in less than serious light.
But because both of these wenches are liberals, they will get a pass from liberals because, well because they are liberals and facts be damned.
These two liberal hair brained bimbos put the issue of work place safety back 20 or more years in Wisconsin and that is a shame, shame, shame.
Note To Arizona Democrats and Voters: Gabby Giffords Is Not Represnting Her District
Here I go again, stating the obvious, even though it will hurt people's feelings and I will sound heartless.
Gabby Giffords is a congresswoman who was shot in Tuscon, AZ. while at a campaign/meet and greet event. She was shot in the head and suffered a very severe Traumatic Brain Injury. At this time, her communication abilities are severely limited and her cognition is suspect.
Gabby Giffords is an inspiration to most everyone but she is not representing her Congressional District. She is not voting on her Congressional District's needs when the House is in session. While her staff is running the office, she is not supervising it and who knows if they are doing a good job or not.
The fact is, Gabby Giffords is unable to correspond with other congresscritters or her constituents. We also don't even know what she understands- does she understand the issues and is she able to communicate her knowledge of the issues? There is no evidence to support that she is able to communicate or understand the issues.
So, how is she representing her District? She isn't and cannot at this time.
Gabby Giffords can still be an inspiration without being a congresswoman. She has a very good story to tell and she may inspire others with her story. But, if you cannot do your job, you bring yourself down.
And she is not doing her job. I don't care if she still receives her congressional health insurance, if that is an issue or even continue to receive her pay, since she was working when she got shot. That's not an issue. The issue is if she representing her Congressional District and she is not.
Gabby Giffords just is not doing her job and she should not run for Congress again, until she can prove she can communicate and shows an understanding of the issues. Her family and handlers are almost completely shielding her from the public and they prevent her from appearing at events unless it is very closely scripted.
The voters of her district are getting ripped off, as well as the people of Arizona by the Democrats of Arizona who are sheltering Giffords and not allowing anyone to run against her in a primary. Are they willing to let her District be without representation for another 2 years? Looks like it.
Gabby Giffords is a congresswoman who was shot in Tuscon, AZ. while at a campaign/meet and greet event. She was shot in the head and suffered a very severe Traumatic Brain Injury. At this time, her communication abilities are severely limited and her cognition is suspect.
Gabby Giffords is an inspiration to most everyone but she is not representing her Congressional District. She is not voting on her Congressional District's needs when the House is in session. While her staff is running the office, she is not supervising it and who knows if they are doing a good job or not.
The fact is, Gabby Giffords is unable to correspond with other congresscritters or her constituents. We also don't even know what she understands- does she understand the issues and is she able to communicate her knowledge of the issues? There is no evidence to support that she is able to communicate or understand the issues.
So, how is she representing her District? She isn't and cannot at this time.
Gabby Giffords can still be an inspiration without being a congresswoman. She has a very good story to tell and she may inspire others with her story. But, if you cannot do your job, you bring yourself down.
And she is not doing her job. I don't care if she still receives her congressional health insurance, if that is an issue or even continue to receive her pay, since she was working when she got shot. That's not an issue. The issue is if she representing her Congressional District and she is not.
Gabby Giffords just is not doing her job and she should not run for Congress again, until she can prove she can communicate and shows an understanding of the issues. Her family and handlers are almost completely shielding her from the public and they prevent her from appearing at events unless it is very closely scripted.
The voters of her district are getting ripped off, as well as the people of Arizona by the Democrats of Arizona who are sheltering Giffords and not allowing anyone to run against her in a primary. Are they willing to let her District be without representation for another 2 years? Looks like it.
King And Queen Obama Give Middle Finger To Taxpayers. Again.

Once again, the King and Queen of the United States are giving a big F--K You to the taxpayers of the Kingdom of the United States.
Returning from vacation, President Obama decided to cut his vacation short and good for him. I guess he figured out that you can't golf very well in a hurricane.
But Michelle Obama is going to take a different Air Force jet home the next day, at an additional expense of several thousands of dollars. But hey, it's not their money they are wasting, it's the taxpayers.
Maybe the Obama's are going through rough times and they don't want to be together. Kind of like the Clintons or the Kennedys. That certainly explains all of President Obama's golf and bike riding.
Or it could be that Michelle Obama loves her expensive way of life, as long as someone else is paying for it.
Whatever is the reason, the Obama's are wasting taxpayer money with their luxurious living and then taking separate planes to get to their destinations.
I hope the GOP will bring this up in during the elections.
Impending Disaster On Monday for CCSD
Monday is the first day of school for the students in the Clark County (Las Vegas) and there will be a minor disaster awaiting thousands of student who think they will be attending school.
As of today, there are about 23,000 students who are not immunized or under immunized. These students will not be allowed to attend class and will be sent home. If a parent cannot be reached, they will be put in a room, like an auditorium or gym, for the school day and they will not be allowed to attend school until they are properly immunized.
And the Las Vegas Valley ped's clinics will not be able to immunize 23,000 or so in a day, so, some students maybe out of school for over a week.
The reason for this problem? It is now a state law that elementary and 7th graders be immunized and to prove it. And if they can't prove they were immunized, no school. So, this is a State of Nevada issue.
There has been plenty of advertising about this on the news and phone calls. But many poor families don't have phones and many parents don't watch the news, so this new state law will come as a surprise to them.
So, come Monday morning, there will be a bunch of caterwauling by many parents about their child sent home, but it is State of Nevada law and the parents and the State should be held responsible, not CCSD.
As of today, there are about 23,000 students who are not immunized or under immunized. These students will not be allowed to attend class and will be sent home. If a parent cannot be reached, they will be put in a room, like an auditorium or gym, for the school day and they will not be allowed to attend school until they are properly immunized.
And the Las Vegas Valley ped's clinics will not be able to immunize 23,000 or so in a day, so, some students maybe out of school for over a week.
The reason for this problem? It is now a state law that elementary and 7th graders be immunized and to prove it. And if they can't prove they were immunized, no school. So, this is a State of Nevada issue.
There has been plenty of advertising about this on the news and phone calls. But many poor families don't have phones and many parents don't watch the news, so this new state law will come as a surprise to them.
So, come Monday morning, there will be a bunch of caterwauling by many parents about their child sent home, but it is State of Nevada law and the parents and the State should be held responsible, not CCSD.
So, Who Will Cause More Damage: Obama Or Hurricane Irene?
This question is to easy. Obama has caused far more damage to the economy that Hurricane Irene ever will.
Hurricane Irene will probably stimulate the economy more than Obama ever has as well.
Hurricane Irene will probably stimulate the economy more than Obama ever has as well.
Just dodged Irene today. Got a few bands of rain and wind as she passed by on her way up the Eastern Seaboard. The storm seems to be weakening and not the Cat. 4 as was predicted, last check she had dropped down to a Cat. 2 storm. I'm hoping this trend continues and you folk up north don't get as much damage as is possible.
Irene as seen from the International Space Station.
Irene as seen from the International Space Station.
New Mexico Gets It
Bill Rchardson, Democrat and former New Mexico prince (governor), formerly of the Clinton administration and greedy bastard, finally had his (taxpayers) airplane sold by the new GOP governor, Susana Matrinez.
From the El Paso Times: New Mexico's government got smaller and slower Thursday, as Gov. Susana Martinez fulfilled her promise to sell the state jet.
Martinez said taxpayers are better off because of the deal.
A couple from Anchorage, Alaska, Robert and Linda Felland, bought the Cessna Citation Bravo for $2.51 million. That was about $3 million less than former governor Bill Richardson's administration paid when it purchased the jet new in 2005.
Martinez was exultant over the deal. She said it removed an unnecessary burden on the state budget and recovered some money for taxpayers.
Standing with the buyers near a takeoff strip at the Santa Fe airport, Martinez said the Cessna was a symbol of the greed and excess of Richardson's governorship.
She called the jet his "personal air taxi" for out-of-state trips.
The Cessna was built for long flights to Washington or Boston, not hops to Clayton or Silver City, Martinez said.
"It was a misuse of taxpayers' dollars," she said of having such a plane in the state fleet.
Martinez campaigned last year on selling the jet and said she would never ride in it. With the Fellands' purchase of the plane, she kept both promises.
Why does it seem that those in the upper echelon of the Democrat feel entitled to things paid for by the taxpayer? From President Obama, Michelle Obama, to Nancy Pelosi to Crybaby Harry Reid to Bill Richardson, these so men and women of the people think they are entitled to items and vacations, planes, entourage and other riches you and I are not allowed because we are just peons.
But because they are scummy politicians, they think they are entitled to more than the average person.
From the El Paso Times: New Mexico's government got smaller and slower Thursday, as Gov. Susana Martinez fulfilled her promise to sell the state jet.
Martinez said taxpayers are better off because of the deal.
A couple from Anchorage, Alaska, Robert and Linda Felland, bought the Cessna Citation Bravo for $2.51 million. That was about $3 million less than former governor Bill Richardson's administration paid when it purchased the jet new in 2005.
Martinez was exultant over the deal. She said it removed an unnecessary burden on the state budget and recovered some money for taxpayers.
Standing with the buyers near a takeoff strip at the Santa Fe airport, Martinez said the Cessna was a symbol of the greed and excess of Richardson's governorship.
She called the jet his "personal air taxi" for out-of-state trips.
The Cessna was built for long flights to Washington or Boston, not hops to Clayton or Silver City, Martinez said.
"It was a misuse of taxpayers' dollars," she said of having such a plane in the state fleet.
Martinez campaigned last year on selling the jet and said she would never ride in it. With the Fellands' purchase of the plane, she kept both promises.
Why does it seem that those in the upper echelon of the Democrat feel entitled to things paid for by the taxpayer? From President Obama, Michelle Obama, to Nancy Pelosi to Crybaby Harry Reid to Bill Richardson, these so men and women of the people think they are entitled to items and vacations, planes, entourage and other riches you and I are not allowed because we are just peons.
But because they are scummy politicians, they think they are entitled to more than the average person.
Kate Marshall (Democrat)Hearts Glenn Beck
From the Reno Gazette Herald: Nevadans watching the special election in the state’s 2nd Congressional District saw some of the political strategy behind Democratic candidate Kate Marshall’s campaign Wednesday, when an internal comment was mistakenly left in a statement emailed out.
As the Las Vegas Sun’s Jon Ralston first reported, Marshall issued a statement of “Support for Israel as Violence Escalates.” The statement described the recent increase in violence in Israel and expressed sympathy for the families and friends of the dead. It also called on Egypt to police its borders to prevent terrorists from entering Israel that way.
“I am proud to consider Israel a friend and I reiterate my unwavering support for its fundamental right to exist and the absolute necessity for Israel to secure its people from outside threats. I stand ready and willing to assist Israel in defending itself against all acts of terrorism,” the statement reads.
Lest the reader wonder why Marshall was issuing such a statement, the campaign unintentionally provided a helpful explanation:
“Background: Israel has been in the news lately, and will be even more in the news with [Glenn] Beck’s ‘Rally to Restore Courage’ in Jerusalem. In an R district, it will be useful to express support for Israel and demonstrate some foreign policy prowess while it is a timely topic — especially for people who are likely paying attention to Beck’s event.”
Read more:
So, Kate Marshall, former legitimate candidate, now Harry Reid whore, has to rely on Glenn Beck to find support.
What a pathetic and disappointing candidate.
As the Las Vegas Sun’s Jon Ralston first reported, Marshall issued a statement of “Support for Israel as Violence Escalates.” The statement described the recent increase in violence in Israel and expressed sympathy for the families and friends of the dead. It also called on Egypt to police its borders to prevent terrorists from entering Israel that way.
“I am proud to consider Israel a friend and I reiterate my unwavering support for its fundamental right to exist and the absolute necessity for Israel to secure its people from outside threats. I stand ready and willing to assist Israel in defending itself against all acts of terrorism,” the statement reads.
Lest the reader wonder why Marshall was issuing such a statement, the campaign unintentionally provided a helpful explanation:
“Background: Israel has been in the news lately, and will be even more in the news with [Glenn] Beck’s ‘Rally to Restore Courage’ in Jerusalem. In an R district, it will be useful to express support for Israel and demonstrate some foreign policy prowess while it is a timely topic — especially for people who are likely paying attention to Beck’s event.”
Read more:
So, Kate Marshall, former legitimate candidate, now Harry Reid whore, has to rely on Glenn Beck to find support.
What a pathetic and disappointing candidate.
Obama Says He Is On Vacation To Be Closer To His Kids....
So why is Obama on the golf course so much? Can't bring the kids on the curse and a round of golf last about 4 hours.
Also, why he is out raising money for his campaign? I'm pretty sure that is not spending quality time with the kids.
If Obama wants to indulge in his fun and games, that's fine but then don't go lying about going on vacation for his kids.
Also, why he is out raising money for his campaign? I'm pretty sure that is not spending quality time with the kids.
If Obama wants to indulge in his fun and games, that's fine but then don't go lying about going on vacation for his kids.
Obama Endangering Lives By Staying On Vacation
So far, acting very unpresidential and more like a spoiled brat King, President Obama is refusing to cut short his vacation in Martha Vineyard.
The storm is supposed to hit Martha's Vineyard on Saturday and Sunday. This leaves precious little time for those who are waiting on the Obama's and his staff hand and foot to get ready for the storm. He is also delaying the workers on the island from evacuating, if they so desire.
From the NY Times: The worsening weather forecast for the East Coast forced a change in Mr. Obama’s weekend schedule. He intends to return to Washington on Saturday but his plan to speak on Sunday at the dedication of the new Martin Luther King Memorial near the Lincoln and Jefferson memorials were scrapped on Thursday evening, when organizers announced they were indefinitely postponing the outdoor event that was expected to draw potentially hundreds of thousands of people.
He is also screwing his staff who are stuck on Martha's Vineyard with the narcissist in chief instead of being with their families in their time of need.
Obama doesn't a flying F-K about the people who work at Martha's Vineyard or the his staff/slaves he just cares about himself while he is masturbating with his power.
The storm is supposed to hit Martha's Vineyard on Saturday and Sunday. This leaves precious little time for those who are waiting on the Obama's and his staff hand and foot to get ready for the storm. He is also delaying the workers on the island from evacuating, if they so desire.
From the NY Times: The worsening weather forecast for the East Coast forced a change in Mr. Obama’s weekend schedule. He intends to return to Washington on Saturday but his plan to speak on Sunday at the dedication of the new Martin Luther King Memorial near the Lincoln and Jefferson memorials were scrapped on Thursday evening, when organizers announced they were indefinitely postponing the outdoor event that was expected to draw potentially hundreds of thousands of people.
He is also screwing his staff who are stuck on Martha's Vineyard with the narcissist in chief instead of being with their families in their time of need.
Obama doesn't a flying F-K about the people who work at Martha's Vineyard or the his staff/slaves he just cares about himself while he is masturbating with his power.
More Companies And People Put Out Of Business By Government
Dotty's is a chain of small gambling halls that cater to mostly women. I've never been in a Dotty's but supposedly, it has stand alone slot machines and a small bar area where they serve chips and a little bit of liquor and beer. Today, the government just put Dotty's out of business and several hundred people out of a job.
From the LVRJ: The debate over Nevada's rules for slot machines in taverns nearly turned into a bar fight Thursday.
Following a seven-hour hearing, the Nevada Gaming Commission voted 4-1 in favor of several amendments to Regulation 3.015, adding a new definition of a tavern. The revisions effectively eliminate the business model for Dotty's Gaming & Spirits, which has been accused of skirting state law by offering mostly slot machine play without the usual trappings of a tavern.
Only Gaming Commission Chairman Pete Bernhard voted against the changes, saying the revisions "do not encourage economic growth, they discourage economic growth."
Bernhard said there's no need to change the long-standing regulation, and any concerns about a restricted license applicant such as Dotty's could already be handled on a case-by-case basis.
"The proposed regulations will have an adverse impact on business of various sizes and an adverse impact on small communities," Bernhard said.
Despite Bernhard's impassioned defense, four commissioners favored a proposal by panelist Tony Alamo Jr. that took into account suggestions from the Nevada Resort Association, the Nevada Tavern Operators Association and the Gaming Control Board.
The resort association, spurred into action by Station Casinos, thought the proliferation of Dotty's throughout Las Vegas was taking away customers from the locals gaming market.
There are about 60 Dotty's in the State of Nevada and presumably, these will close down. Not only will these businesses shut down, it will also open up 60 store fronts that probably will not be filled any time soon, so this will hurt the landlords and possibly, tax revenue for the local governments.
So, I guess the NGC wants more taverns, which includes more drinking which will increase drunk driving. Yep, that's a smart idea.
And I've defended Station Casino's in the past with their problem with the union thugs, but Station Casinos are completely wrong on this issue.
Look for a long and drawn out court fight, either in State or Federal courts and going to the Supreme Court of Nevada or to the 9th Circuit Appeals Court and it's going to cost taxpayers a lot of money to defend the NGC.
From the LVRJ: The debate over Nevada's rules for slot machines in taverns nearly turned into a bar fight Thursday.
Following a seven-hour hearing, the Nevada Gaming Commission voted 4-1 in favor of several amendments to Regulation 3.015, adding a new definition of a tavern. The revisions effectively eliminate the business model for Dotty's Gaming & Spirits, which has been accused of skirting state law by offering mostly slot machine play without the usual trappings of a tavern.
Only Gaming Commission Chairman Pete Bernhard voted against the changes, saying the revisions "do not encourage economic growth, they discourage economic growth."
Bernhard said there's no need to change the long-standing regulation, and any concerns about a restricted license applicant such as Dotty's could already be handled on a case-by-case basis.
"The proposed regulations will have an adverse impact on business of various sizes and an adverse impact on small communities," Bernhard said.
Despite Bernhard's impassioned defense, four commissioners favored a proposal by panelist Tony Alamo Jr. that took into account suggestions from the Nevada Resort Association, the Nevada Tavern Operators Association and the Gaming Control Board.
The resort association, spurred into action by Station Casinos, thought the proliferation of Dotty's throughout Las Vegas was taking away customers from the locals gaming market.
There are about 60 Dotty's in the State of Nevada and presumably, these will close down. Not only will these businesses shut down, it will also open up 60 store fronts that probably will not be filled any time soon, so this will hurt the landlords and possibly, tax revenue for the local governments.
So, I guess the NGC wants more taverns, which includes more drinking which will increase drunk driving. Yep, that's a smart idea.
And I've defended Station Casino's in the past with their problem with the union thugs, but Station Casinos are completely wrong on this issue.
Look for a long and drawn out court fight, either in State or Federal courts and going to the Supreme Court of Nevada or to the 9th Circuit Appeals Court and it's going to cost taxpayers a lot of money to defend the NGC.
Extra Credit Nixed At School District: Good
From the Huffo Post: Forget about that last-minute extra book review or lab report to push that B+ to an A-.
Students in the sixth through 12th grades at one Utah school district will no longer be able to complete extra credit assignments to boost their grades.
A new course grading policy, approved by the Uintah School District Board of Education early this month, prohibits teachers from awarding extra credit. According to the policy, "all students will be given multiple opportunities to demonstrate proficiency within the grading period ... which will affect the final outcome of a student's grade."
Those multiple opportunities, as stated by the district's overall grading policy, are composed of no more than 30 percent "daily practice" -- such as homework and group assignments -- and no less than 70 percent "formative assessment/summative assessment" -- such as testing and other forms of evaluating progress and proficiency.
Officials say that prohibiting extra credit shifts course goals away from simply achieving high marks and toward better learning and improving coursework understanding.
Good for the Uintah School district. Many teachers give extra credit that has nothing to do with learning or what is being studied. Bring in some extra school supplies, extra credit. Write a paper. Get extra credit. Behave in class- get extra credit.
At the school I teach at, we eliminated extra credit last year and it has resulted in a better learning environment. The students get graded in assessments, quizzes, journals and a couple other areas. If a student gets below a C in a test, they are put into a system in which they are tutored so that they learn the subject being taught and then take the test again. If a student passes the class, you can be rest assured that the student knows the subject and knows it well. Their grade is legitimate and it is not artificially raised because of extra credit or doing easy assignments.
So, congrats to the Uintah School District and hopefully more schools will follow their lead. Extra credit almost always does not involve the required material.
Students in the sixth through 12th grades at one Utah school district will no longer be able to complete extra credit assignments to boost their grades.
A new course grading policy, approved by the Uintah School District Board of Education early this month, prohibits teachers from awarding extra credit. According to the policy, "all students will be given multiple opportunities to demonstrate proficiency within the grading period ... which will affect the final outcome of a student's grade."
Those multiple opportunities, as stated by the district's overall grading policy, are composed of no more than 30 percent "daily practice" -- such as homework and group assignments -- and no less than 70 percent "formative assessment/summative assessment" -- such as testing and other forms of evaluating progress and proficiency.
Officials say that prohibiting extra credit shifts course goals away from simply achieving high marks and toward better learning and improving coursework understanding.
Good for the Uintah School district. Many teachers give extra credit that has nothing to do with learning or what is being studied. Bring in some extra school supplies, extra credit. Write a paper. Get extra credit. Behave in class- get extra credit.
At the school I teach at, we eliminated extra credit last year and it has resulted in a better learning environment. The students get graded in assessments, quizzes, journals and a couple other areas. If a student gets below a C in a test, they are put into a system in which they are tutored so that they learn the subject being taught and then take the test again. If a student passes the class, you can be rest assured that the student knows the subject and knows it well. Their grade is legitimate and it is not artificially raised because of extra credit or doing easy assignments.
So, congrats to the Uintah School District and hopefully more schools will follow their lead. Extra credit almost always does not involve the required material.
A Brief Questionnaire
If you could go back in time and relive one moment, what would it be?
Tell my Mom i love her one more time before she passed away.
If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?
Not get Agoraphobia
What movie/TV character do you most resemble in personality?
Maynard G. Krebs, not the smartest, never gets the girl but i'm a pragmatic loyal friend to the end.
If you could push one person off a cliff and get away with it, who would it be?
The bastard who invented e books and whom put thousands of people out of work.
Name one habit you want to change in yourself.
Describe yourself in one word.
Describe the person who named you in this meme in one word.
Aaron and Cal, two chaps i think i would be friends with in real life, really cool gents.
Why do you blog? (In one sentence)
I need to prove i exist and hopefully find people who like my company and my life will not have been wasted.
Tell my Mom i love her one more time before she passed away.
If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?
Not get Agoraphobia
What movie/TV character do you most resemble in personality?
Maynard G. Krebs, not the smartest, never gets the girl but i'm a pragmatic loyal friend to the end.
If you could push one person off a cliff and get away with it, who would it be?
The bastard who invented e books and whom put thousands of people out of work.
Name one habit you want to change in yourself.
Describe yourself in one word.
Describe the person who named you in this meme in one word.
Aaron and Cal, two chaps i think i would be friends with in real life, really cool gents.
Why do you blog? (In one sentence)
I need to prove i exist and hopefully find people who like my company and my life will not have been wasted.
My Prediction For Hurricane Irene
The latest news story the media is the impending hurricane, Irene. Well, there hasn't been a hurricane for a few years in the U.S., so now the media is over hyping the story.
My prediction is that the eye of the storm will not hit the U.S. until it is a category 1 or less and that except for seaside cities, there will be minimal damage from flooding and the wind and no deaths unless a person does something stupid, like swimming in the ocean during the hurricane.
And there will be news about how the Obama's may have to move their vacation to a safe climate but still cost taxpayers hundreds of thousand of dollars.
Hope I am right and I hope people don't do anything stupid to put themselves in danger.
My prediction is that the eye of the storm will not hit the U.S. until it is a category 1 or less and that except for seaside cities, there will be minimal damage from flooding and the wind and no deaths unless a person does something stupid, like swimming in the ocean during the hurricane.
And there will be news about how the Obama's may have to move their vacation to a safe climate but still cost taxpayers hundreds of thousand of dollars.
Hope I am right and I hope people don't do anything stupid to put themselves in danger.
The Wisconsin Supremes: No Charges In Alleged Fight, Bradley Not Charged With Perjury
From jsonline: Neither Supreme Court Justice David Prosser nor fellow Justice Ann Walsh Bradley will face criminal charges for a June altercation that broke out as the judges were considering Gov. Scott Walker's union bargaining law, a special prosecutor has determined.
But the incident still could have far-reaching effects - possibly even opening the doors of the court to the public as justices debate how to decide cases.
Breaking her silence about the altercation in a written statement Thursday, Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson said she would propose "the presumption will be that court conferences are open to the public," as a way to lead the fractious court back toward civility.
Abrahamson was not available for an interview, and a court spokeswoman said she could not confirm whether the chief justice was referring to deliberations on individual cases. But meetings on the court's rules and finances are usually open to the public already, unlike legal debates.
No other appellate court in the nation opens its deliberations to public scrutiny, former Supreme Court Justice Janine Geske said. If Wisconsin's high court did so, "that does create huge problems in decision-making," as citizens see for the first time how the justices' reasoning and even rulings can shift in the months between the time a case is argued and time a decision is handed down, warned Geske, a Marquette University law professor.
In an interview, Sauk County District Attorney Patricia Barrett steered clear of specifics about her reasons not to issue charges.
"The totality of the facts and the circumstances and all of the evidence that I reviewed did not support my filing criminal charges," Barrett said Thursday.
She did note, however, that varying accounts were given by witnesses - a group that would have included most of the justices and colleagues - and said that was common in cases with multiple witnesses. Barrett offered no commentary on the merits of the accusations against the two judges or on whether their conduct was fitting for justices in the state's highest court.
"It's not my job to determine what's becoming," Barrett said.
Justice David Prosser gave the following statement: Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser released the following statement this morning after the decision by the special prosecutor regarding the reported incident.
“Justice Ann Walsh Bradley made the decision to sensationalize an incident that occurred at the Supreme Court. This matter has now been reviewed by Dane County Sheriff’s Department detectives, the Dane County District Attorney and an appointed independent special prosecutor. Today, the investigation of the incident has been completed.”
“I was confident the truth would come out - and it did. I am gratified that the prosecutor founds these scurrilous charges were without merit.”
“I have always maintained that once the facts of this incident were examined I would be cleared. I look forward to the details of this investigation becoming public record.”
“Being in public service has been the honor of my life. I cannot express enough thanks for the hundreds of good wishes I’ve received from people across the state in the last several weeks.”
Meanwhile, Justice Bradley gave the following:
But the incident still could have far-reaching effects - possibly even opening the doors of the court to the public as justices debate how to decide cases.
Breaking her silence about the altercation in a written statement Thursday, Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson said she would propose "the presumption will be that court conferences are open to the public," as a way to lead the fractious court back toward civility.
Abrahamson was not available for an interview, and a court spokeswoman said she could not confirm whether the chief justice was referring to deliberations on individual cases. But meetings on the court's rules and finances are usually open to the public already, unlike legal debates.
No other appellate court in the nation opens its deliberations to public scrutiny, former Supreme Court Justice Janine Geske said. If Wisconsin's high court did so, "that does create huge problems in decision-making," as citizens see for the first time how the justices' reasoning and even rulings can shift in the months between the time a case is argued and time a decision is handed down, warned Geske, a Marquette University law professor.
In an interview, Sauk County District Attorney Patricia Barrett steered clear of specifics about her reasons not to issue charges.
"The totality of the facts and the circumstances and all of the evidence that I reviewed did not support my filing criminal charges," Barrett said Thursday.
She did note, however, that varying accounts were given by witnesses - a group that would have included most of the justices and colleagues - and said that was common in cases with multiple witnesses. Barrett offered no commentary on the merits of the accusations against the two judges or on whether their conduct was fitting for justices in the state's highest court.
"It's not my job to determine what's becoming," Barrett said.
Justice David Prosser gave the following statement: Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser released the following statement this morning after the decision by the special prosecutor regarding the reported incident.
“Justice Ann Walsh Bradley made the decision to sensationalize an incident that occurred at the Supreme Court. This matter has now been reviewed by Dane County Sheriff’s Department detectives, the Dane County District Attorney and an appointed independent special prosecutor. Today, the investigation of the incident has been completed.”
“I was confident the truth would come out - and it did. I am gratified that the prosecutor founds these scurrilous charges were without merit.”
“I have always maintained that once the facts of this incident were examined I would be cleared. I look forward to the details of this investigation becoming public record.”
“Being in public service has been the honor of my life. I cannot express enough thanks for the hundreds of good wishes I’ve received from people across the state in the last several weeks.”
Meanwhile, Justice Bradley gave the following:
Union Thug Recall Fails
From the LVRJ: A recall petition targeting Las Vegas Ward 6 Councilman Steve Ross probably doesn't have enough signatures to put the question to voters, a Clark County election official said Thursday.
According to the city clerk's office, the petition had 1,079 valid signatures when 1,084 were needed.
Additionally, 20 signatures were removed after the petition was submitted from people who signed affidavits stating they wanted their names removed.
It left Ross opponents 25 signatures short of their goal.
"It is not going to have enough signatures," Clark County Registrar of Voters Larry Lomax said of the petition, which needs to be signed by people who voted in the 2009 Ward 6 primary that put Ross in office. "There are just too many people who did not vote in the election."
Recall organizers vowed to file another petition in order to get more signatures and force a recall rather than fight the narrow loss in court.
First, the organizers promised they had many more signatures that were needed, so they must being doing the Wisconsin Republican math.
But, if you sign a petition, you should never be allowed take your name off unless there was absolute and complete fraud involved. If you don't know what you are signing, then you are a stupid fool and you shouldn't be allowed to take you name off a petition. How do we know that Ross didn't pay off these people or intimidated the people who signed the petition.
So, the story is not done and they are going out to get more signatures. Next time, they should get 2000 signatures so there are not any issues.
According to the city clerk's office, the petition had 1,079 valid signatures when 1,084 were needed.
Additionally, 20 signatures were removed after the petition was submitted from people who signed affidavits stating they wanted their names removed.
It left Ross opponents 25 signatures short of their goal.
"It is not going to have enough signatures," Clark County Registrar of Voters Larry Lomax said of the petition, which needs to be signed by people who voted in the 2009 Ward 6 primary that put Ross in office. "There are just too many people who did not vote in the election."
Recall organizers vowed to file another petition in order to get more signatures and force a recall rather than fight the narrow loss in court.
First, the organizers promised they had many more signatures that were needed, so they must being doing the Wisconsin Republican math.
But, if you sign a petition, you should never be allowed take your name off unless there was absolute and complete fraud involved. If you don't know what you are signing, then you are a stupid fool and you shouldn't be allowed to take you name off a petition. How do we know that Ross didn't pay off these people or intimidated the people who signed the petition.
So, the story is not done and they are going out to get more signatures. Next time, they should get 2000 signatures so there are not any issues.
How Stupid Is Shelley Berkley's Announcement About expanding A Building?
Shelley Berkley, (Dumbass-NV) yesterday proposed to expand a jobs training building, which was such a stupid idea that even the Las Vegas Sun, the liberal newspaper in Las Vegas and Nevada didn't even bother to run a story on the grant.
But the LVRJ did and this is what they had to say: U.S. Rep. Shelley Berkley on Wednesday announced a $1.7 million federal grant for a job training center in Las Vegas. Around the same time midmorning, U.S. Sen. Dean Heller visited a small graphics business a dozen miles across town, and then toured the Sunrise Hospital and its children's hospital.
Note to Shelly: The size of the building has nothing to do with job training. This akin to saying that making a school building larger is going to increase knowledge of it's students.
But this is the mentality of Democrats and liberals: make buildings bigger and newer and learning will automatically and magically improve. In reality, the building doesn't make the school or training center, it is the people running the school and training centers.
Another waste of money by Shelly Berkley.
But the LVRJ did and this is what they had to say: U.S. Rep. Shelley Berkley on Wednesday announced a $1.7 million federal grant for a job training center in Las Vegas. Around the same time midmorning, U.S. Sen. Dean Heller visited a small graphics business a dozen miles across town, and then toured the Sunrise Hospital and its children's hospital.
Note to Shelly: The size of the building has nothing to do with job training. This akin to saying that making a school building larger is going to increase knowledge of it's students.
But this is the mentality of Democrats and liberals: make buildings bigger and newer and learning will automatically and magically improve. In reality, the building doesn't make the school or training center, it is the people running the school and training centers.
Another waste of money by Shelly Berkley.
Apparently, Obama didn't listen to the earthquake gods, so now the hurricane gods are speaking to him.
From the Boston Herald: The Federal Emergency Management Agency is keeping a line open to President Obama and the First Family as they vacation on Martha’s Vineyard and Hurricane Irene — growing both in size and strength — appears destined to pelt the Bay State sometime Sunday.
An early POTUS pull out has not been ordered, but FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate told the Herald this morning, “We briefed the president yesterday and are keeping him and his team updated.”
I think nature is trying to give Obama a big hint, stop your vacation and get back to work.
From the Boston Herald: The Federal Emergency Management Agency is keeping a line open to President Obama and the First Family as they vacation on Martha’s Vineyard and Hurricane Irene — growing both in size and strength — appears destined to pelt the Bay State sometime Sunday.
An early POTUS pull out has not been ordered, but FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate told the Herald this morning, “We briefed the president yesterday and are keeping him and his team updated.”
I think nature is trying to give Obama a big hint, stop your vacation and get back to work.
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