Just the idea of Reid driving anything is amusing — he probably hasn’t driven a car in decades.
Alas, there would be no Michael Dukakis moment. (If you’re too young or don’t remember, the image of little helmeted Dukakis riding in a tank didn’t bolster his presidential prospects in 1988....
Both Reid and John Podesta, former chief of staff to President Bill Clinton and head of the Center for American Progress, noted that our dependence on foreign oil is an economic drain and a threat to national security. Correct on both counts, as we import 70 percent of our oil, $1 billion per day, which accounts for half of our trade deficit.
With liberals on board with alternative energy and a move away from the internal combustion engine, conservatives are increasingly lining up against it, saying that it amounts to the dread “industrial policy,” meaning government picking winners and losers.
(Government picks winners all the time and has since the beginning of time; for instance, when it built the Interstate Highway System instead of, say, the Interstate Railway System, it picked the automakers and oil companies as the winners — big time.)
Read about President Barack Obama’s stealth industrial policy on next generation batteries in this New York Times Magazine piece that ran Sunday.
Reid was asked how massive spending cuts being considered by Congress would affect these clean energy efforts. He didn’t really answer. So I asked him again, and he didn’t answer again.
His spokesman told me afterward that Reid believes firmly that alternative energy offers Nevada some potential to diversify our economy, and that he’ll seek to protect funding for the programs.
In reality, this is what Harry Reid and his entourage drives: 3 SUV's. Sometimes 2 when he goes shopping. But they are gas guzzling SUV's.

Why would Harry Reid think we would forget about these pictures?
For more information: http://lasvegasbadger.blogspot.com/2010/09/more-comedic-harry-reid-news.html