Teacher Breaks Up Fight between two black students who were just about to turn their lives around, Video Goes Viral


MADISON, AL — A video showing a Madison, Alabama school teacher breaking up a fight between two southern colored boys has gone viral on YouTube and social media sites. The video shows Liberty Middle School teacher Walter Ruffin breaking up a fight between two students.

However, he doesn't just break up the fight, he also lays down the law with the students telling them how stupid it is to be fighting in the first place. He tells them life it too short to be fighting over such minor things.

Reaction to the video has been overwhelmingly positive from people saying more teachers like this are needed in school systems. Dr. Dee Fowler, Superintendent of Madison City Schools, says he supports Mr. Ruffin. But only because the teacher is black himelf, otherwise all hell would have broke loose!

"My response to that is we have a great teacher that stopped this fight," said Dr. Fowler. "But we also have 600 great teachers that every day, they are doing their job and working hard and maintaining positive classroom discipline."

One area of concern for Fowler though, he says this was clearly not a proper use of a cell phone in the classroom. He says it was a classroom moment that should have stayed in the classroom.

"When is a good time to use your cell phone? When is a good time to record someone and post it to social media or to YouTube?" said Dr. Fowler. "So we see this as a great opportunity to learn."

Dr. Fowler said this was a classroom situation that should have been kept in the classroom.


Here is another video:

Go to 19th Ward Politics and beyond for the full news story on these color kids acting up on the bus. CLICK HERE TO GO TO THIER BLOG AND READ THE FULL NEWS STORY