Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna was slapped with the penalty after the department determined he violated guidelines for use of the eyeburning mist, cops said.
The incident quickly gained notoriety after a video was posted on YouTube, showing Kaylee Dedrick, 24, getting sprayed by Bologna while standing behind orange netting. After getting hit, she fell to the ground, wailing in pain.
Bologna was notified yesterday and has three days to accept the punishment or choose to appeal — which could result in a more severe result, sources said.
Dedrick met with prosecutors Monday to demand Bologna be charged criminally.
Meanwhile, neighbors of Zuccotti Park in lower Manhattan are fed up with protesters’ repeated failure to follow through on promises to address qualityoflife issues from the protests — and now the local community board plans to meet tomorrow to develop a new strategy to deal with the noise, smell, public urination and overall ruckus.
Last night, OWS members protested outside a lower Manhattan event that Gov. Cuomo attended. Liberal author Naomi Wolf was in attendance, and got arrested for disorderly conduct for allegedly failing to move from a sidewalk.
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/pepper_cop_stung_with_loss_of_days_j6jg3TDK43JJL3XBPINfTK#ixzz1bEiJx55G
Thanks to Arizona Eagle for this news article.