When I moved to Nevada 5 years ago, today, I got to listen to Harry Reid speak when he addressed new teachers that were recently hired by the Clark County School District. That year, well over a thousand teachers were hired to teach in the CCSD. Reid spoke in a humble way, bringing up his past with pride and I was impressed with him. He talked about some of the teachers that taught him while he was growing up and talked about his parents his siblings. He did not talk about politics one time and I was very impressed with his speech and his humbleness.
Then John Ensign spoke. Ensign was arrogant and brought up politics and Ensign even looked arrogant- his hair and tan made him look more like huckster on TV than a person living in Nevada. From the first time I heard Ensign, I had an instant dislike of him, and this is even before his pathetic sex scandal and he had to resign.
Sometimes, in the past 5 years, Harry Reid has lost his way. He has become power hungry, arrogant, lost his caring for the poor and the down and out and lost his way in Nevada. Unless he is campaigning and raising money, how often does he come home to Nevada and especially his home in Searchlight? Not very much, if at all.
It's always sad when your first impression of someone is positive and then by their actions, your view of them goes down the toilet.