And Obama Wonders Why People Have No Faith In Him

From Michelle Malkin: As Rob wrote me this morning: “Check out the logo. 3 interlocking gears arranged in this fashion will not move in any direction. They are essentially locked in place. Which when you think about it, is a perfect analogy of today’s government!”

Also a perfect analogy for a hapless administration’s pretense of entrepreneurial expertise: Total non-starter.

And that, my friends, is your government logo fail of the day…


Another commenter at the Smithsonian blog also noticed: “I love this feature. I thought, however, that I would comment on the Department of Innovation meshing gears logo. The gears can’t turn. Perhaps that was the intended effect?”

Yeah, that’s the ticket.

Our commenter Cynosura adds: “Not to pick at nits, but the position of the gears (interlocking, thus unable to turn) is not the only problem with the logo. The gear pitch (space between tooth centers) is not consistent. I realize that it’s a logo and not a technical drawing, but it hurts my eyes to look at it. Even if the small gears were separated, the gears would likely jam during the first revolution…”

Now, if a Bush or Dan Quayle administrator had done this, this story would have been front page and on TV and would have been Special Report material. But because it is Obama, the MSM gives Obama a pass. What a shock.