I want to thank Cal again for my first award. He has one of the best blogs online, go read now!
I shall pick 7 but really i think i could pick 20 more, so many good blogs out there.
1 - No Smoking In The Skullcave http://nosmokingintheskullcave.blogspot.com/ Becca has a great blog and one i enjoy a lot, i understand real life keeps her too busy to update this days. She's a great artist and she and her husband are some the best bloggers here (i'd give Electronic Cerebrectomy the award but Cal all ready did that!). http://samuraifrog.blogspot.com/
2 - Frog On The Pumpkin http://strangelittlegirlblog.blogspot.com/ Wonderful blog, Halloween is every day there! They turn their home into an award winning haunted house every October.
3 - The Tainted Archive http://tainted-archive.blogspot.com/ Gary Dobbs runs a fun and thought provoking blog and he loves Westerns (always a good thing if you ask me). Actor, author and more, a great chap and he's from Wales and been on Doctor Who!
4 - Life, Doctor Who & Combom http://lifetheuniverseandcombom.blogspot.com/ The Best Doctor Who information blog online in my humble opinion! Every Whovian should be a follower.
5 - Diversions of the Groovy Kind http://diversionsofthegroovykind.blogspot.com/ The Keeper of Cool and great groovy history and scans of comics and magazines that i fondly remember.
6 - Retrospace http://my-retrospace.blogspot.com/ One the best nostalgia and retro blogs i know of. Get your groove on and go Retro.
7 - Ranting and Raving http://rantingravingblog.blogspot.com/ Larry's blog of rants, he puts into words that i can't on many subjects that need a good rant, very personal blog and makes you think.
I'd like to mention Dino's Lounge, hope Keith can get back online soon and open the Lounge again.
Thanks again Cal!