Jon Ralston is a columnist for the Las Vegas Sun, Reno Gazette Herald and hosts a political interview show in Nevada. Ralston also pretends he is neutral when it comes to politics and claims he is a hard hitting journalists who asks tough questions . Never mind that Ralston is always being humped by Harry Reid and will go after a Democrat every third blue moon, just to pretend that he is neutral reporter.
Well, Jon Ralston, in today's column, does the Democrats bidding against the Nevada State Education Association.
From the supposedly fair and balanced Ralston: Let’s hope that most teachers don’t share the values of the union that represents too many of them.
When it released a so-called report card on state lawmakers last week, the Nevada State Education Association exposed itself as a hypocritical and disingenuous — not to mention thoroughly ineffective — advocacy group. The union failed the Legislature in its bizarre, capricious grading system; but NSEA really failed the members it supposedly represents and the students whose interests it is supposed to care about.
And to what end? To rile up teachers to get more members? Why would any teacher want to be part of an organization that declares a Legislature controlled by the party it is aligned with has acted in ways inimical to their well-being?
They are either the worst, most ineffectual lobbying group in the state or they are advocating for the wrong things. Or — dare I say it? — both.
There are so many aspects of this report card that deserve scorn that it’s hard to know where to begin. So let’s start with the kernel of truth in the report: Yes, the Gang of 63 has serially failed to take education seriously, both in funding and accountability, passing incremental measures that don’t provide enough money or enough reform.
Fine. But for the teachers union to argue, as it does in the report card and accompanying text, that the NSEA folks are “leaders in the education reform debate” is not just laughable but outrageous. And even though it did not intend to in the packet — which can be found here — the union exposed itself.
So, Ralston, once again, does the Democrats bidding by criticizing the NSEA for grading state legislators. Well, let's see what Ralston says about the NSEA and the GOP: Yes, you expect an unimaginative group such as this to give every Republican an F. Yep, that's it; totally blows off the GOP, which again, shows the extreme bias of Ralston. (This is the same Ralston, who lied about election polls and showed he is a racist when he called out Brian Sandoval saying he wasn't Hispanic enough and used as a source, an avowed racist who offered no proof to the charges against Sandoval)
Then Ralston, in today's column, continues his rant against the NSEA: But to downgrade Democrats for voting for reforms, including those who have fought long and hard for more funding, is ludicrous. I guess when these teachers instruct students about that old saw, “Hold your friends close and your enemies closer,” they change it to: “Screw your friends and make your enemies more hostile.”
And if you ever wondered if your son or daughter didn’t do well in school because a teacher didn’t like him or her, NSEA reveals that its report card is “based on voting records and the experience of the NSEA lobbying team.”
One Democratic legislator who did relatively well in the survey lamented how a friend with an identical voting record received a D because of a lack of solicitousness to the union lobbyists. It’s almost inconceivable.
All of this is so beyond the pale that you half expect an announcement will be forthcoming indicating this is parody and that the teachers were just showing us what a great sense of humor they have. It is that loony.
But, from what I can tell, very few lawmakers are chuckling. And even though the union folks deny it, Assembly Democrats are astounded that they are being told no union support will be forthcoming unless they agree to vote against evil reformer Debbie Smith, a ferocious education advocate awarded a D grade, for speaker.
I just wonder how much money the Democrats paid Ralston to write this article and if he wasn't paid, the Dem's certainly called in a few favors for this column to be written by Ralston.
I am no fan of the teacher's union, even though I do belong to the NSEA. I only belong because if you want to join the local, you have to join the NSEA and the NEA. The NSEA is pretty much irrelevant in the State of Nevada All they really do is lobby State government and not much more than that. I do find the ratings of the legislators to be silly, especially rating every GOP legislator, an F just because they a GOP member.
But Ralston shows once again, he is just a lackey for the Democratic Party and when the Dem's tell Ralston to jump, he yells how high and then jumps around like the Easter Bunny.
Most radio talk show hosts are proud they are conservative or liberal and even most newspaper columnists are not shy about their beliefs. But Ralston refuses to admit that he has a severe dislike of conservatives and he enjoys being a love slave for the Democrats
Just pathetic, Jon, just pathetic.