LVRJ:Editorial Get's It Right

From today's LVRJ editorial: Barack Obama has long admired Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Now he and the 32nd president share a special distinction.

For the first time since the end of FDR's time in the White House, the economy in August showed a net job change of zero, fanning more talk of the "R" word.

"Underlying job growth needs to improve immediately in order to avoid a recession," economist Ryan Wang told The Associated Press.

Unemployment remained at 9.1 percent, while previous job growth figures for June and July were adjusted down to show 58,000 fewer jobs added than previously thought.

"There is no silver lining in this one," Steve Blitz, senior economist at ITG Investment Research, told the AP. "It is difficult to walk away from these numbers without the conclusion that the economy is simply grinding to a halt.

The question now becomes: At what point -- after almost three years in office and billions of debt and "stimulus" -- will this administration admit that the policies it has implemented to right the U.S. economy have, to be generous, not fared very well?

It's about time that President Obama man's up and admit that his economic policies have failed and it's time to try and do something different.

Here are some suggestions:

1. Stop putting money into green energy companies and projects and give it to projects that will benefit more people. One suggestion would be an interstate highway from Las Vegas to Phoenix.

2. Reduce regulations and proposed regulations. Obama has finally realized this when he put on hold some regulations dealing with the EPA.

3. Stop placing blame of the economy on other people. You are the president, the most powerful person on Earth, starting acting like one and take responsibility.

4. If there is a second stimulus, it has to be paid for by cutting other federal expenses, selling federal land, building and equipment and cutting out waste. And the stimulus cannot be used solely to protect government and union jobs only, like the first stimulus did.

5. Stop all the talk about singling out the rich to raise taxes on. However, close loopholes for businesses, like GE, so most companies pay their fair share of taxes.

6. Encourage oil companies to start drilling for more oil, especially in the Gulf of Mexico, Alaska and other areas. This will employee thousands of people and reduce energy prices.

7. Stop listening to people like Harry Reid. Reid is a good politician, but he is not particularly intelligent. He knows how to play politics but he does not live in the real world.

8. Start visiting inner city areas, instead of ignoring them. These areas are your base and you need to get to know them and see how they are suffering under your rule.

9. Realize, President Obama, you can only do so much as a president, don't try and over do it. Spending and/or printing money is not going to solve this problem.

10. We need a leader, like a Ronald Reagan, who gives us confidence. Stop being such a wimp, President Obama and start being a leader. You have been a wimp your entire presidency, now it is time to step up and be a leader.