So, where would be the best place to have a good time during college football season?
In Madison, Wisconsin, there is a street named state Street which runs from the Capitol to the University, about a mile and half. the only traffic are buses and maybe taxi cabs-can't remember. It is filled with bars, small shops, more bars, restaurants and more bars. During football season, State Street is packed and today, with a night game with Wisconsin playing Nebraska, it will be a wild night.
The same can be said for just about every major college football town in the country.
On the Las Vegas Strip, especially New Years Eve, the place is crowded and the drunks are out in force. So are the police, hookers and pickocket thieves. They celebrate for a couple of hors and then head home or back inside the casinos.
In the football towns, they are celerating a victory or drowning a defeat.
On the Strip, they are celebrating New Years and getting drunk.
So, if I had my way I would much rather be in a college football town on a Saturday, especially State Street in Madison, rather than the Las Vegas Strip on News Years Eve or any other day, for that matter.