This Won't Be The Last Time This Will Be said

From Fox News: Republicans rebuked North Carolina Gov. Beverly Perdue after she suggested Congress suspend elections for two years so lawmakers can get to work stimulating the economy unencumbered by anxiety about what voters think.
The governor's office has since claimed the remark was "hyperbole." But the North Carolina GOP isn't buying it.
"She wasn't joking at all. The congressional Democrats are wildly unpopular in North Carolina, so she may have been trying to invent a solution to save their jobs from public accountability," spokesman Rob Lockwood said. "If it was a joke, what was the set-up? What was the punch-line? Where was the pause for laughter?"
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If the Democrats look like they will lose control of the Senate (which they will- they have to defend 23 out of 33 seats) and maintain control in the House, there will be more calls by liberals for the election for Congress to be suspended until a later date.
Further, I predict, that if it looks like President Obama will get beat in the election for president, look for many liberals call for a delay in this election or a change in election laws that will ensure an Obama victory.
You can take that to the bank. but since I am not a bank....