It is well known, perhaps, that kids of illegal aliens qualify for free or reduced lunch at the schools they attend. The children can also be illegal's and they get can get free lunch, paid for by the U.S. taxpayer.
At the school I teach at the cash price for breakfast is $1.50 and for lunch is $3.00.
You also can lie on the application form on how much money a family makes because there is no verification of income levels.
I have to assume that is the going rate of reimbursement from the federal government- $4.50 a day for each illegal alien child and lying family. So, if 10,000 students are illegal or their families lied on the application, out of 300,000 students in CCSD, each day it costs taxpayers $45,000, just in Clark County alone. Multiply this throughout the country and you are wasting well over a million dollars a day in free and reduced lunch.
I send my kids to school with a sack lunch- sandwich, juice, dessert, fruit and it certainly costs less than $4.50- maybe $1.50 a day, and the kids don't have to stand in line.
So, why are we, the taxpayers, paying for free lunch for illegal immigrant families and others who lie on their forms?
Why can't the illegal families send a cold lunch to school with their children instead of stealing money from the U.S. taxpayer? For about a dollar a day, they can send a bologna or another meat sandwich or peanut butter and jelly sandwich, juice, dessert and a piece of fruit. Same with people who lie on their forms?
But the families would rather seek the welfare of the government and the school districts do not care. The school district and federal government encourage as many students as possible sign up for the free lunch. The more kids signed up, the more money the school district gets. And the more kids signed up, the more breaks they get in No Child Left Behind and eligible for more federal money for education, like Title 1 funding.
And the kids learn more about waste and welfare under the free and reduced lunch.
I am in our school's cafeteria after breakfast and lunch. There is so much good food thrown away every day. Cartons upon cartons of good apple juice and milk are thrown away each day. My guess is at least 50 cartons of juice and probably at least 100 cartons of milk are thrown away from 1 high school each day. Now multiply this against a big school district like Las Vegas and you throw away 1000 or more cartons of juice or milk each day. Drinks that could supply a homeless shelter or food bank forever. Then you have the solid food like sandwiches, pizza and other items and you could start a restaurant or soup kitchens with just the wasted food from 1 or 2 schools.
So, everyday, there are hundreds, if not thousands of kids in the Clark County School District who get free lunch because they are not citizens of the U.S. and there are others who lie on the free lunch application. And the the CCSD and the Federal government supports it. And then when kids are given free food, many-but not all- just waste the food and the school district ends up throwing away hundreds if not thousands of cartons of milk and juice away in the garbage can everyday.
If this program is not the biggest fraud against taxpayers, I don't know what is.