Obama Wants To Kill Asthma Sufferers Or How Obama Favors the Earth Over Humans

Ok, Obama doesn't want to actually kill asthma sufferers, he just wants to make their life extremely difficult and raise their medical costs. Pretty soon, asthma sufferers will have to choose between dying or spending a lot of money on doctors and medication.
From Fox News: Hundreds of thousands of asthma sufferers who use an over-the-counter inhaler will be compelled to seek a more costly prescription device by the end of the year, when the federal government plans to ban them over environmental concerns.
The Food and Drug Administration last week began a media push to get the word out about the looming phase-out. After Dec. 31, the epinephrine asthma inhaler known as Primatene Mist will no longer be available
The product is currently the only FDA-approved over-the-counter inhaler and is being taken off the shelves because it uses something called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) as a propellant -- the substance is considered harmful to the ozone layer.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/09/26/feds-to-ban-over-counter-asthma-inhalers-over-environmental-concerns/#ixzz1Z7AHUwbO
First, asthma asthma patients will have to go to the doctor, which will cost about $60. Then, they will have to get an asthma inhaler which the EPA approves of(mind you, not want the doctors or the DEA wants, but the EPA) Asthma inhalers are not cheap, even with insurance. I have 3 people in the family that have asthma and the inhalers cost, with insurance cost about $50 because insurance will not cover all the costs. The reason why? Because the inhalers do not have generics, so most insurance companies will only pay for a small part of the inhaler. And this applies to Medicare as well.
A asthma patient is looking at a cost over well over $150 for a doctors visit and inhaler all because Obama's EPA think the environment is more important than asthma patients. Even with insurance, you are looking at a cost of a minimum of $45 for the visit and inhaler.
As Wisconsin liberals are quick to say: Shame, Shame, Shame on President Obama for caring more about the environment that human beings.
Once again, Obama shows he is really a despicable president who cares more about the environment than people.