That was where the jobs would be: nurse’s aides, companions to infirm seniors, hospital orderlies. The group bandied about ideas for how to channel job-seeking men into this growth industry. A need in one area filling a need in another. Interlocking problems, interlocking solutions. The Holy Grail of systemic change.
But Obama shook his head.
“Look, these are guys,” he said. “A lot of them see health care, being nurse’s aides, as women’s work. They need to do something that fits with how they define themselves as men.” ...
Hey Obama and company, screw you. I spent more than 20 years as a nurses aide, assistant etc. Even as a teacher of the severely handicapped, I still have to use my nursing aide skills.
It's back breaking work that not many people can do- male or female. Because of the jobs, I am bigger and stronger than most people, even those in construction.
But Obama, you really shouldn't talk about manly things when you ride bikes like this:
It's back breaking work that not many people can do- male or female. Because of the jobs, I am bigger and stronger than most people, even those in construction.
But Obama, you really shouldn't talk about manly things when you ride bikes like this:

Besides, Obama, you are riding a girls bike.