From CNS News: In an interview with conservative radio icon Sean Hannity, former President Clinton adviser and campaign manager Dick Morris stated that, after speaking with a Democratic strategist, he thinks it is “very possible” that President Obama might acquiesce to requests from the Democratic leadership in Congress and bow out of the 2012 race, leaving the door open for him to return sometime in the future.
“I asked a top Democratic strategist the other day and he thought that it was possible that, in January, Harry Reid comes to Obama and says, ‘Look you cost us control of the House last year, you’re going to cost us control of the Senate this year. For the good of the party you have to step aside’” said Morris.
“And, then, (Obama) pulls a Lyndon Johnson, he says ‘I’m fighting to solve the recession, and problem is because of partisanship and my re-election people reject everything I say because of partisanship, so I’m going to not run for president and focus my full time attention on solving this recession’ and then go out popular,” Morris added.
In one way, this makes sense. Obama has never been in a tough fight. Just about everything in Obama's life has been given to him. From his upbringing, to his education, to his jobs and then his elections, they were not tough. Either through luck or gifts, he has not had a rough race and with the economy in the tank, is Obama up to a brutal fight were his every decision will be under the microscope, debated and criticized by his opponents, bloggers and even most members of the media- lap dogs excluded He doesn't like that- he hates being criticized and the negative attention.
On the other hand, Obama is a narcissist and believes everything he has done is the only correct way to do things and he has surrounded himself with yes men and women and so, he only knows what he hears from them and that is only positive responses from the lackeys.
So, it will be interesting to see what happens. Is Obama willing to go through a fight he probably will not win, ruin his image and he will lose support? Or will he drop out and be a popular elder statesman like Bill Clinton?
My guess, is that he will not run because he wants to be popular with the rich people and if he runs and runs a class war fare campaign, he will lose their support and friendship. All he will have left is core supporters: inner city Blacks and Hispanics and he doesn't like those kind of people. He never calls or visits them and does very little to help them out.
And the Dem's already have a candidate ready and willing to run for president, Hillary Clinton and she would have a better chance of winning than Obama.
So, if I was a betting man, my guess is that Obama will not run.