The Illinois Tollway said today it has caught 12 employees who allegedly stole as much as $25,000 in tolls over the past several years and has pressed criminal charges against several of them.
One former toll collector took as much as $7,000 over the past seven years. He pleaded guilty to misdemeanor theft, resigned and has repaid the money, according to tollway Inspector General James Wagner.
All the employees involved in the thefts have either resigned or been terminated by the tollway, and a total of $25,500 in restitution has been returned to the tollway during the past six months, the agency said.
The 12 employees either collected toll payments and kept the money, or allowed drivers through without paying and incorrectly classified the vehicles as emergency vehicles exempt from tolls.
The unusually high number of emergency vehicles was identified by the toll audit section of the Internal Audit Department and forwarded to the inspector general.
In addition, the inspector general is preparing an evaluation of toll collection processes, including suggestions for potential improvements to ensure that the abuse of emergency vehicle classification cannot occur in the future, the tollway said.
Other investigations resulted in disciplinary action against two employees collecting benefits for which they did not qualify and termination of one employee who was conducting non-tollway business during work hours and misusing a non-revenue transponder, the tollway said.
“The Illinois Tollway has zero tolerance for theft or misuse of public funds,” Illinois Tollway Executive Director Kristi Lafleur said in a statement. “We have worked swiftly to refer cases to the inspector gGeneral when inconsistencies and complaints arise and will continue to crack down on employees who try to steal from the tollway to the fullest extent possible.”