Crybaby Reid, Dem's Screw Disaster Relief

It could be easily said that Crybaby Harry Reid(Dumbass-NV) and the U.S. Senate Democrats are in desperate need of disaster relief as their policies have been a total disaster, but that's for another day.

It seems though, that the Democrats in the Senate are holding hostage funding for disaster relief over a bunch of wind up/battery cars.

From the Wall Street Journal: Rahm Emanuel may have decamped to Chicago, but Democrats in Washington still won't let a good crisis go to waste. Their current gambit is to use Hurricane Irene as a pretext to prevent spending cuts to one of Washington's most notorious boondoggles.

This week the left-wing press has been attacking House Majority Leader Eric Cantor for holding disaster relief funding "hostage." A more accurate way to put this is that Senate Democrats won't approve new funding for disasters unless they get the funding they want for corporations that make electric cars.

Here's the story: In June, House Republicans passed the 2012 Homeland Security appropriations bill, which included an amendment adding $1 billion to the Disaster Relief Fund of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). In a sensible move for taxpayers, the amendment offsets this new disaster funding by cutting spending on the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program. This may ring a bell with readers as the funding conduit for one of Washington's adventures in crony capitalism.

Crybaby Reid has his head so far up the butt of green energy companies that he and the Democrats cannot see reality. Green energy has been almost a total failure. Earlier this week, a company that received over a half of Billion dollars in federal loans just went belly up. Further, how many times has Crybaby Reid promised Southern Nevada that a several green energy companies would locate here? Probably 4-5 or more in the past 2 years and how many of these companies have fulfilled the promises Crybaby Reid and the companies made? None. But Crybaby Reid and the Democrats want to continue to funding these fraud green energy companies.

So, Crybaby Reid is willing to defund FEMA and the disaster relief fund over cars hardly anybody wants and that suck off money from the national treasury. But hey, it's only taxpayer money and I would think the majority of taxpayers would rather fund disaster relief than a bunch of wind up toy cars that no one wants.

Crybaby Reid and the Democrats are in total need of moral and disaster relief.