The Circus Begins In Los Angeles

Today was the first day of the manslaughter trial of Dr. Conrad Murray, a Las Vegas doctor, in the death of former Las Vegas resident, Michael Jackson.
Personally, I am glad this trial is not in Las Vegas, though the extra money in the economy would be nice.
The thing that got me about Murray is that he is a cardiologist and was CPR on Jackson's bed. As a former EMT, firefighter and hospital and nursing home worker, one of the first things they tell you is to do CPR on a hard flat surface. A bed doesn't qualify as a hard flat surface. And Murray is a cardiologist?
Anyways, this case seems more like a malpractice case instead of a criminal case. You had an incompetent doctor who was employed by a drug addicted performer who bought everything- love, medicine, court cases, boys- everything and who had yes men and women around him constantly.
Money doesn't buy happiness and Michael Jackson is proof of that.