Watching President George Bush Interview On Nat. Geo Tonight Made Me Think...

That we had the perfect president for 9/11 in charge.

If you compare President Bush to the presidents since President Nixon until today, G.W. Bush was the right man for the job.

Of the GOP presidents, I don't think any of them, including President Reagan, would have done as good of job as Bush did. Reagan could talk well, but he had no legitimate military experience. G.W. Bush and his father had extensive military experience as pilots.

Nixon probably would have gone to war, but I'm not sure he would have the world support, especially with Watergate hanging over his head.

Ford's term was too short and he had a bad economy to deal with.

Bush Sr. probably would have gone to war, but he had to deal with a liberal Congress and he had to deal with the first Iraq War. Of course, it could be argued that if Bush ran the Iraq war better and got Bin Laden, there would be no 9/11.

For the Democrats, Jimmy Carter was a joke and we had a horrible economy and the Iran hostage crisis.

Bill Clinton probably would have thrown a few bombs in Afghanistan, but I just don't think he would have sent ground troops into Afghanistan, unless it helped him with his impeachment.

President Obama: He would have treated this as a crime and would have tried to arrest people instead of bombing and destroying Al-Quida and the Taliban. He may have ordered airplanes to bomb Afghanistan, but he would not have tried to overthrow the Taliban, unless there were rebels already on the ground and fighting. If Obama was president in 2001, we would still have the Taliban, Al-Quida and Saddam Hussein still in power today and we would still have terrorism throughout the world.

So, the United States got lucky by having George W. Bush in office during the 9/11 disaster. He stayed cool, calm and collected and he set out to destroy terrorism and for the most part he has succeeded and planted the seeds to keep terrorism at bay and on the run for President Obama and future presidents.

Now, of course, when it came to the economy, he pretty much sucked, but hey. at least he isn't as bad as Obama.

If you get a chance to watch the interviews, you should watch them, even if you don't Bush. It gives a perspective from the man in charge.