R.I.P. David H. Hartnett

Today, my father, David Hartnett passed away down in Florida. He died a peaceful death and is out of mental and physical pain. During the past several years, he has been suffering Alzheimers and was unable to walk. As most Alzheimer's patients, the disease starts slowly and can last many years, which is what happened to my dad. And then it just robs the person of who they are and turns them into someone they never were.

He had a good life. He was a Naval officer around World War 2 and he also graduated from Marquette University. He worked in the Marquette athletic department in Milwaukee and was lucky enough to work with Al McGuire and Hank Raymonds. He later became a stockbroker for Robert W. Baird in Milwaukee and Florida.

He divorced my my mom but was lucky to find another wife in Florida, Blanche, who loved him him to the end. She passed away about 3 months ago.

He helped raise 4 successful children and we were able to live a middle class life style. He took me to basketball and baseball games and when he had time, played ball with me. We had some really nice vacations in Wisconsin.

He was not perfect, as no one is and at the end, we were not very close, though in the past several months, he was always on mind and in prayers. In that sense, he taught me to be a good father by being closer to my children and I will be forever thankful.

So, thank you Dad and I love you. I just wish I had said it more often.

Rest in peace, Dad