Perry Gets Tickled By A Mosquito

I don't even know why this is news or why Jon Huntsman is considered newsworthy as a GOP presidential candidate. But today in the El Paso Times, mosquito Huntsman tickled GOP Presidential candidate Rick Perry of Texas with this claim: Presidential candidate Jon Huntsman is pounding away at rival Rick Perry's skepticism of manmade global warming and criticism of the nation's central banker, saying those stands hurt the GOP and make the Texas governor come off as a not so serious national figure.

Huntsman, a former Utah governor who was President Barack Obama's first ambassador to China, has trailed in early polls nationally and in early voting states, leading his campaign to pledge more aggressive attacks on the top candidates.

Perry, who entered the race last weekend and has surged to a prominent role, has provided Huntsman with an ample opening to take shots.

Perry said in New Hampshire this past week that he didn't believe in manmade global warming, branding it an unproven scientific theory. He also defended the teaching of creationism in schools because evolution "has some gaps to it."

"When we take a position that isn't willing to embrace evolution, when we take a position that basically runs counter to what 98 of 100 climate scientists have said, what the National Academy of Science has said about what is causing climate change and man's contribution to it, I think we find ourselves on the wrong side of science, and, therefore, in a losing position," Huntsman told ABC's "This Week."

Huntsman is a clown of a GOP candidate. First, if you worked in the Obama administration, you should not even consider running for office as a Republican, not to mention for the GOP presidential nominee.

But last time I looked, Huntsman was polling around -5% with about 99% of the country wondering who the hell Jon Huntsman is.

Here's a clue, Huntsman, Global warming has been disproved awhile ago. Most of the "data" supporting global warming has either been false or been fraudulent.

I'd say for Huntsman to get out of the race, but if he did, no one would notice anyways.