Obama Fiddles (Vacations) While U.S. Burns

So, how much time has President Obama spent on vacation and other trips outside Washington D.C.? Well, despite what my liberal friends say only 61 days while Bush has spent 180 days on vacation. Well, that is total BS.

From Macsmind: There has been criticism of the president’s vacation at this time. But how does the number of vacation days the president has spent compare to his predecessors? CBS Radio’s Mark Knoller has kept track of presidential vacations for years and supplied the data.

So far, President Obama has taken 61 vacation days after 31 months in office. At this point in their presidencies, George W. Bush had spent 180 days at his ranch where his staff often joined him for meetings. And Ronald Reagan had taken 112 vacation days at his ranch.

Among recent presidents, Bill Clinton took the least time off — 28 days.”

Which is all total bathwater. Don’t know where they got their numbers (Dan Rather?), but they’re wrong. All total, Barack Obama has spent more than 400 days on some type of absence from Washington. Sometimes calling them “trips”, or “visits”, in our neck of the woods we call them vacation days. Obama and the MSM are good at excusing Obama as they are now by calling his present absence a bus tour. It’s a campaign tour, period. Additionally he’s played 57 rounds of golf since taking office (29 of them in 2010) and gone on 28 basketball outings (20 of those coming in 2010)

In fact he’s spent more than half his time as President outside of Washington on various “tours”. Additionally C-BS isn’t counting the 35 days Obama has spent at Camp David, whereas Bush’s Ranch was actually considered a working vacation with his staff.

While technically Obama was not on these vacations, Michelle and her kids have also taken numerous vacations on the taxpayer dime.

So, don't believe the BS the liberals are putting out there- Obama has been on vacation more than any other president. And in the time of a recession, neither Obama or Congress should be on vacation anyways. It looks really bad when people are struggling, inner cities are dying with unemployment and crime, the markets are tanking and a recession/depression is about to hit again while Obama and Congress fiddle while the U.S. burns.