New Mexico Gets It

Bill Rchardson, Democrat and former New Mexico prince (governor), formerly of the Clinton administration and greedy bastard, finally had his (taxpayers) airplane sold by the new GOP governor, Susana Matrinez.

From the El Paso Times: New Mexico's government got smaller and slower Thursday, as Gov. Susana Martinez fulfilled her promise to sell the state jet.

Martinez said taxpayers are better off because of the deal.

A couple from Anchorage, Alaska, Robert and Linda Felland, bought the Cessna Citation Bravo for $2.51 million. That was about $3 million less than former governor Bill Richardson's administration paid when it purchased the jet new in 2005.

Martinez was exultant over the deal. She said it removed an unnecessary burden on the state budget and recovered some money for taxpayers.

Standing with the buyers near a takeoff strip at the Santa Fe airport, Martinez said the Cessna was a symbol of the greed and excess of Richardson's governorship.

She called the jet his "personal air taxi" for out-of-state trips.

The Cessna was built for long flights to Washington or Boston, not hops to Clayton or Silver City, Martinez said.

"It was a misuse of taxpayers' dollars," she said of having such a plane in the state fleet.

Martinez campaigned last year on selling the jet and said she would never ride in it. With the Fellands' purchase of the plane, she kept both promises.

Why does it seem that those in the upper echelon of the Democrat feel entitled to things paid for by the taxpayer? From President Obama, Michelle Obama, to Nancy Pelosi to Crybaby Harry Reid to Bill Richardson, these so men and women of the people think they are entitled to items and vacations, planes, entourage and other riches you and I are not allowed because we are just peons.

But because they are scummy politicians, they think they are entitled to more than the average person.