Well, the Greenie fraudsters are in town, and just like that, the IQ average of Las Vegas just dropped 20 points.
Joe Biden is also in town, dropping the average IQ in Las Vegas another 10 points just by himself.
A bunch of greenie elitists are in town, delivered by jet planes and chauffeured around town in gas guzzling SUV's and limo's so they can preach to us at the National Clean Earth Summit. You know how stupid these idiots are- they come to Las Vegas during the hottest time of the year in Las Vegas. spending more energy on air conditioning.
And of course, these mental midgets, while wasting energy, call for us peons to save energy so they use the saved energy for themselves, right Al Gore, with your huge home and house boat that suck electricity.
And of course, our own senile senator, Crybaby Reid was at the event, announcing another non-event, a hybrid power plant in Lyon County, no where near Las Vegas, where we really need the jobs.
From the Las Vegas Sun: Sen. Harry Reid kicked off the fourth annual clean energy conference today by announcing the inauguration of the first-ever hybrid geothermal and solar plant, combining two of Nevada’s homegrown forms of renewable energy in a single power-generating project.
The plant, which will be situated at the existing Stillwater Geothermal Plant about 75 miles outside of Reno, will generate an additional 24 megawatts of power and create about 150 installation jobs, according to Enel Green Power North America President Francesco Venturini.
Enel Green Power, which is partnering with Nevada-based Bombard Renewable Energy to build the project, already runs the Stillwater geothermal facility.
Of course the reason why Harry is announcing this is because there is an election up by Reno and he wants to score points for Kate Marshall, a Crybaby Reid intellectual clone, meaning she has 5 brain cells. Crybaby Reid is also announcing this to help Shelly Berkley, who is running a losing Senate race against RINO Dean Heller.
Warning to those who will live close by this supposed hybrid plant- don't count on the plant being built. When Crybaby Harry was running for Senate, he promised many different green energy plants in the Las Vegas area and you know what, not one factory has been built or hired anyone. So, Crybaby Reid is attempting to buy votes in a conservative area of the State, but they won't be fooled because they will look at the ground and see nothing being built.
So, a bunch of greenies invade Las Vegas. They probably are poor tippers while sucking our energy for the evil coal power plants we have in the Valley.
Bunch of hypocrites here in Las Vegas, who suck government money and show nothing for it or worse. Some of them will knowingly steal taxpayer money through their lies, all in the hope they have suckers like President Obama, Crybaby Reid, Joe Biden and other lefty's who will throw money at them hoping they may create a job for themselves at a million a year at taxpayer expense.
And just wondering, how much tax money is being used to put on this fraud convention? They don't care, because its not their money, it's just taxpayer money.