Last Night, I wrote a post about bias in the Pahrump Valley Times and it's bias against conservatives. The post, for the most part is here:
Ahhh. The irony.
Darling of local wingnuts, Nye County’s top tax collector, Assessor Shirley Matson, has a long history of her own tax problems, mechanic’s liens and other issues surrounding paying her debts going back to 1991, according to public records obtained by a “concerned citizen” and given to the Pahrump Valley Times.
An independent database check of the records, which mainly reside in Matson’s former hometown in San Diego County, Calif., confirmed the information’s authenticity.
A recall effort is underway to remove Matson from office over blatantly racist emails she authored that surfaced in March.
Matson was reprimanded by county commissioners later that month for conduct unbecoming a public official.
So, what is the definition of a wing nut, Matt Ward?
Did Matt Ward do a poll to show that "wing nuts" support Matson? If so, i would like to see that poll.
Blatent racist e-mail? She asked the Sheriff of Nye County to see if any illegal immigrants were working on Nye County project. Is that racist?
Then you have a totally anonymous "source" who refuses to give his/her name but yet Ward interviews this person as the main source of his article.
Now it turns out that Matson is a certified tax scofflaw, another reason, detractors say, for voters to recall her.
Really, who certified her?
scoff·law (skflô, skôf-)
One who habitually violates the law or fails to answer court summonses
Matson has never been convicted of any criminal and there is no evidence that she has failed to answer any court summonses. Can you say a defamation lawsuit filed by Matson against Matt Ward and the PVT?
And Matt Ward was kind enough to respond:
Hi Dan.
Go look in a mirror and you'll find a wingnut. Pahrump abounds with others as you can tell by the other comments like yours on the PVT website...the ones that attack my writing style and word choice but say NOTHING about the facts presented. As for is against the law to not pay your income tax; many go to prison every year for violating income tax laws, not to mention state income tax laws. I'm not sure Ms. Matson's troubles ever reached that crescendo, but having liens placed on your personal property for thousands of dollars in missed income tax payments tells me that the feds were pretty serious about collecting their money from her.
I find it detestable that you attack me and my word choice and say nothing of a public official going on a radio show and telling the world that they are going to hire a private investigator to investigate people like me, or those folks pursuing Ms. Matson's recall. It's my right, and those doing the reacalling, under the First Amendment to the Constitution to report, speak out, write about, protest, do whatever we like to uncover info or react to misdeeds of a public official. Your comments on the PVT website suggest that you are all for public officials running amok in Nye County, threatening citizens, defacing public property and using racial profiling to further a right-wing, wingnut, extremist political agenda.
If that's the case, man up and say as much, make your points based on the facts, not your bullshit, penny-anny problems with my word choice. It's folks like you who have so muddied discourse in this country that NOTHING gets done anymore, including removing public officials who have violated the public trust. Good job, patriot.
Matt Ward.
First, thank you Mr. Ward for responding, I sincerely mean that.
When you write a news article, it is supposed to contain facts, not opinins.
From the Society of Professional:
Examine their own cultural values and avoid imposing those values on others.
Avoid stereotyping by race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, geography, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance or social status.
Distinguish between advocacy and news reporting. Analysis and commentary should be labeled and not misrepresent fact or context.
Just saying, Mr. Ward ought to examine this document.
In Mr. Ward's response, he never defined what is a wing nut is, other than to say I am one. Well, then, being a special education teacher, who works with some of the most severely disabled students in CCSD is a qualification to be a wing nut. I guess someone who has never been to a protest of any kind is a wing nut. I guess a wing nut is someone who votes the person instead of R or D is a wing nut. So, I guess anyone who has conservative views is a wing nut.
As far as addressing the facts of the story, Ok, she was late in paying taxes- that happens to a lot of people. but it is also true, she was never convicted of a crime nor was she ever taken to court- small claims or otherwise. So, your use of the word "scofflaw" is completely wrong and it can be construed to be as defamation. You don't like her, I get it, but you just can't go around defaming people.
I am not defending Ms. Matson. I don't know her and i probably would feel uncomfortable around he, but then, I don't know. I can only go by what has been written about her and since you and other writers at the PVT have an agenda, I am not sure what you write is accurate.
Again, if you want to write an editorial, Mr. Ward, great, write an editorial and label it as such. Otherwise, go back to journalism school and learn the difference between news reporting and editorial writing. Otherwise, keep your opinions out of your news writing.