It's Official: Obama Bat Shit Crazy

It's official now: President Obama is so bat shit crazy that he sleeps hanging upside down from the door ways of the White House.

Now, Obama is complaining that he has it as bad as Abraham Lincoln. From The Daily Caller:

President Barack Obama said yesterday in Decorah, Iowa, that he absorbs more political criticism than Abraham Lincoln, the assassinated 16th U.S. president, attracted from his Civil War critics.

The comment came during a question-and-answer session where one invited audience member asked Obama how he deals with his congressional critics in the GOP. “The Congress doesn’t seem to be a good partner. You said so yourself, they’re more interested in seeing you lose than [seeing] the country win,” the questioner lamented.

“Democracy is always a messy business in a big country like this,” Obama responded. “When you listen to what the federalists said about the anti-federalists … those guys were tough. Lincoln, they used to talk about him almost as bad as they talk about me.”

Well, not really. Obama's lack of history knowledge is laughable. And this guy went to Harvard?

The comparison “is hysterical … that is really laughable in many respects,” said Alvin Felzenberg, the author of a book on American presidents. “You couldn’t print things today they said about Lincoln.” Felzenberg teaches at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, and was the chief spokesman for the 9/11 Commission.

Criticism of Lincoln in his day “was even more vitriolic than what you see about Obama,” said Eric Foner, a Pulitzer Prize-winning presidential historian at Columbia University. “Obama is a guy who has a thin skin and does not take criticism well.” Foner’s Pulitzer-winning volume was titled ”The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery.”

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President Obama has a mental illness: narcissism and it just makes him look stupid. Politics today is nothing compared to politics of yesteryear. Even in the days of George Washington, there many nasty comments and much worse than today. The thing is today, When the conservatives criticize Obama, he and his surrogates can immediately put out a press release refuting the charge. They couldn't do that in Lincoln's day. It took days to refute nasty comments made by his opponents, if they were able to to refute the charges at all.. And then those nasty comments against Lincoln went unchallenged for days and all of a sudden, the comments were believed.

So, President Obama, get over yourself. Stop the martyr talk because you are the most powerful man on the planet but instead you sound like a freaking wimp.

h/t Real Debate Wisconsin