How Stupid Is Shelley Berkley's Announcement About expanding A Building?

Shelley Berkley, (Dumbass-NV) yesterday proposed to expand a jobs training building, which was such a stupid idea that even the Las Vegas Sun, the liberal newspaper in Las Vegas and Nevada didn't even bother to run a story on the grant.

But the LVRJ did and this is what they had to say: U.S. Rep. Shelley Berkley on Wednesday announced a $1.7 million federal grant for a job training center in Las Vegas. Around the same time midmorning, U.S. Sen. Dean Heller visited a small graphics business a dozen miles across town, and then toured the Sunrise Hospital and its children's hospital.

Note to Shelly: The size of the building has nothing to do with job training. This akin to saying that making a school building larger is going to increase knowledge of it's students.

But this is the mentality of Democrats and liberals: make buildings bigger and newer and learning will automatically and magically improve. In reality, the building doesn't make the school or training center, it is the people running the school and training centers.

Another waste of money by Shelly Berkley.