Alan Stock's First Day At KDWN: KXNT Is A Dead Station

I listen to a small part of Alan Stock's first show on KDWN (11-12) and he seemed just a little bitter at his former employer at KXNT, calling it a dead station. For local radio, maybe, but it is hard to beat Limbaugh and Hannity and Levin.

Of course, KDWN isn't much better, especially the lead in show to Stocks, the Medical Show (10-11) It sounds boring and sounds like a hour long paid commercial for different medical providers, so Stock is probably not getting many listeners at the beginning of his new show.

If Stock is going to survive against Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingrahm, he needs to have at least a two hour show, if not a 3 hour show with Heidi Harris as his lead in. Otherwise, Stock just is not got to get a good rating at KDWN.