Wingnuts Wet Dream

Wow it's really amazing to see the right wingnuts getting political hard-ons over Sarah Palin and her ghost-written book of fantasy and her chances of being President, reality dosen't visit them very often does it?
This is why politics is f*cked up in this country, when a once powerful party let's extreme right wing buffoons tear them apart and hail one of the most vapid individuals to ever enter the political arena as their champion but then she is a hypocrite and liar like them, so i guess the apple dosen't fall far from the tree there.
Sarah Palin is a quitter, that's the truth and no matter how much they apologize and whitewash it, America deserves better than shallow,lying, hypocrites like Palin, maybe it's because she has tits is why they're all excited?
Stupid people..God may love them but i don't.
And yep i'd say the same thing if the Democrats had a person like Palin running, you betcha.